Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department: May 1st Rally

Elevate-The-Soul Online Radio (Rick Tingling-Clemmons Interview on Racism Included)

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-An Update

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb Part1

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb - Part 2

Monday, July 28, 2008

Firefighters Going Wild Again? or has it Ever Stopped?

The Spook has reported that Ambulances #10 and #33 (which are driven by Fire Fighters only) have been ducking calls by hiding out in upper North West so they could not be tracked by the Fire Department/EMT Tracking System - the vehicle locator. The history is, the Spook was told, that two to three years ago, units were found hiding behind Wilson High School, sleeping while on duty! [NOTE: We know who committed these infractions, which were swept under the rug, and because no one is being punished for the infraction. ]

It was suggested by the Rosenbaum Task Force that drivers should not drive for more than 24 hours straight. Fire Fighter/EMT Dept Order Book Article 24-5, Sec. 8, No. 4, requires ambulances to return to their fire house after each call.

Back to the Wild Ones - Drag Racing on Southern Avenue in Ambulances #19 and #33 was discovered by the Fire Fighter/EMT Department Tracking System and recently reported by both Channel 7 and Channel 5 News!

Demo and Rally

The Spook wants to report that one dozen firefighters, community people and clergy demonstrated in front of the Union Hall at 23rd and Bladensburg Road, NE, for two hours on Wednesday, July 23rd. The goal was to call attention to the question frequently raised by its members, "Where is the Union?", resulting from the fact that in spite of the many complaints firefighters have raised of unfair treatment by the Fire Department Administration, the union's response has been negligible at best. Both Channel 7 and WPFW Radio interviewed a community person and a firefighter. These interviews appeared on their newscasts later that day. Nearly 500 hundred flyers were passed out to motorists and pedestrians stopping at the stoplights at 3 nearby intersections.

E.R.A.S.E.'s concerns about the working class' historical fight against those who would exploit them made it hard to expose the Union as one of the culprits, given that under the present DC Administration there is little to no Union support and the Councilmember who has oversight gets his support from the Union, creating a real dilemma for our valiant, selfless firefighters.

Please stay tuned - the Spook is planning to do a treatise
about Racism being equivalent to Terrorism - from its colonial beginnings to the present day; and how there is no doubt that racism and how it is acted out should be seen as a hate crime. [And we thought the U.S. Enemy #1 was Al-Quaeda! Why not include white supremacists, our own local, home-grown terrorists?]

The War on Terrorism has yet to be fought!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


WHEN: Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 10 AM – 12:00 Noon
WHERE: Bladensburg & Queens Chapel Rd, NE

E.R.A.S.E. (End Racism And Stop Exploitation) is holding this rally at the Firefighters’ Union to call attention to the question frequently raised by its’ members - “Where is the Union?” In spite of the many complaints firefighters have raised of unfair treatment by the Fire Department Administration, the union’s response has been negligible at best.

The Union has some 5,000 members, including approximately 1500 retirees. Its 7-member Executive Board has only one African-American member, John Sneed, who appears to be recently the only Board member who responds to the needs of the Union membership. It is well-known that Dan Dugan, Executive Board President, is working closely with Fire Chief Dennis Rubin, and it is believed to be the principal reason complaints fall on deaf ears. Some people have said that the Union does not have enough workers and that is the reason it does not follow through for its members; that the Union legal team is often not present or unsupportive. One of the solutions that a number of firefighters have been discussing is withdrawing their dues, and/or complaining to the International to reorganize the local.

This situation is unbelievable, given that the history of Unions is that they were created by the working class to protect and defend the interests of the working class and the vulnerabilities that they bring to the workplace. It is believed that all Union members pay less than $60 per month in dues for a service that most of them say they do not receive. We cannot say that racism plays a role in this, but when we look at the outcome, there is no doubt that race does matter. A judicial review of the actions of the Union over the past few years would make the PG County Fox 5 series on ‘Firefighters Gone Wild’ look tame.

This flyer is hard to write because of E.R.A.S.E.’s concerns about the working class’ historical fight against those who would exploit them. And, to cite the Union as one of the culprits, given that under the present Administration there is little to no Union support and the Councilmember who has oversight gets his support from the Union creates a real dilemma for our valiant, selfless firefighters and EMT workers.

E.R.A.S.E.’s demands are for:- A judicial review;- A citizens review board established;- A Congressional inquiry; - Get rid of the do-nothing union;- Lt. Lehan out of our neighborhood;- And Fire Chief Rubin and Deputy Chiefs Brian Lee and Lawrence Shultz out of our Community (all of them MD residents).Friends, Neighbors,
you can help! by
· Checking out our blog at (comments are welcomed)
· Joining E.R.A.S.E., End Racism And Stop Exploitation committee
· Post or Copy this flyer and help spread the word!
The committee, E.R.A.S.E. is a community-based organization of black and white taxpayers, clergy and members of the middle and working class whose understanding of the historical facts around racism and its effects on our community has forced the group to come together to do what it can to minimize or neutralize the effects of racism on our community. We understand the economic, social and political implications of ideas that will demonize non-white people to favor a white supremacist nation. In its name, E.R.A.S.E. embodies our identification of the cause for racism to exist, and that is to exploit its victim and create an atmosphere whereby people of white descent can maintain a social, political and economic advantage or upper-hand over those who are not defined as white. It is understood that these ideas of racism, based on ignorance and anti-social deviant behavior, are represented by a very small group of Europeans. Therefore, we call on ALL people to ERASE this scourge from its institutionally based support system in order to make this country whole and just!!

Call the councilmembers below and demand they look into this situation!!
Chairman Vincent Gray, 724-8032
At-Large Councilmember Kwame Brown, 724-8174
At-large Councilmember Phil Mendelson, 724-8064
Ward 7 Councilmember Yvette Alexander 724-8068
Ward 8 Councilmember Marion Barry, 724-8045
Ward 5 Councilmember Harry Thomas, 724-8028
ANC7D05 Commissioner Rick Tingling-Clemmons, 397.2277
Help E.R.A.S.E. Break the Jaws of Racism!

For more information or to help:
abolishracism.blogspot.comJoin E.R.A.S.E. and other Anti-racist Fighters – Come join us July 23, 2008!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Why People of Color Can't be Racist

(This is an expansion on an earlier post, and is an attempt to reach out to the many white firefighters who want a better-run, more just Fire Department. E.R.A.S.E. does not support the abuse of black or white/male or female firefighters or of the good name of the DC Fire Department or firefighters.)
E.R.A.S.E. is not racist. What is racism? E.R.A.S.E. understands that racism is an unscientific, unfounded, irrational view – by, in this case, white supremacists who feel that some people are wiser, smarter and have superior moral judgment to people of color in general, and, specifically, African Americans, as laid out in a book by Dr. A. Smedley, Ph.D, on the origins of racism. The practice has its origins in Europe, partly given/developed to justify its non-religious and biased view; to rationalize taking the land from the Indians, kidnapping and importing Africans to build the Americas, for example, and similar expansion into other lands – Asia, Africa, Central/South and North America, and Australia, just to name a few. From its colonial-based institutions and system, carried over into modern-day society, in short, almost all of our institutions in the United States have a racist foundation; and, in fact, racism affects everybody.

This fact is established by studying the history of our human need for housing, education, health care, food distribution, judicial and other systems of justice. On the question of racism, the deciding factor is who has control of the mode of production and the points of distribution, because it is there that decisions are made and public policy is decided, including how you are treated by U.S. capitalism.

We must not forget that these policies were originally decided by rich white males of property, the Founding Fathers. Working class white men who then and even today have no say so, are left, forced to relish in one fact - “I might not have power, I might not have money, but I am NOT one of them.” Our Fire Department, our Police Department, our schools, are run NOT by whites who are rich and have property, but by whites who are just glad to be NOT ONE OF THEM [the “N” Word]! Most white people are not racist; but in racist America there are only two kinds of people: those who are white and those who are not.

Historically speaking, in a book entitled, “The Creation of the White Race,” the author talks about a slave revolt of black and white slaves in the 1700s that was aborted; because the white wealthy class convinced the white slaves that their lives could be made better by abandoning their class brothers’ causes and joining theirs [rich, white land/slaveowners. Two more modern examples include the Tilden Hayes compromise, where the Presidential election was decided by a compromise involving Tilden giving his support to [Rutherford B.] Hayes in exchange for an agreement to end Reconstruction in the South, by pulling the Union troops out and opening the door for Jim Crow; the second was the formation of the Dixiecrat Party, the Angry White Men movement that undercut the Democratic Party’s strength in the Congress and Presidency, and set back the efforts of organized labor, emphasizing the divisions between black and white workers, mirroring the earlier example of the slave revolt. These ideas and practices have made it almost impossible to develop a humane, just society – because those whose exploitation is forged in wretched, unbridled capitalism has destroyed all attempts of the working class to defend itself and create a just, democratic environment, where there is social, economic equality enough for all men and women. This understanding has been distorted to proclaim that if a person of color sees whites in a negative light, then that person is practicing racism. This is as insane as racism itself. This disdain of some whites is a scientific observation, proven after 500 years of study, not some maniacal notion that God told Noah that one of his sons and his children would turn black and forever be servants because they saw him naked in some distorted Biblical translations. This explains the plight of people of color, or that some of us – white people – are God’s favorites, and as special people should rule the earth.

No…No… NO!!! We are all God’s children, there are no favorites. White supremacy is a bad idea whose time as come. People of this wonderful earth, let all of us join hands and send the Devil where he or she belongs. This earth, this country, this city, this neighborhood is to be enjoyed by all! This Fire Department belongs to the taxpayers, who pay for equipment and salaries; even the EEOC violation payments to abused victims of supremacists’ indiscretions and ignorant forays, like firefighters gone wild! Let us bring respect and the honor that has been earned by firefighters before us. It is all up to us, black and white, men and women, to clean up our city agencies, including our Fire Department. Together, we can, we must, we will do this! God bless ALL Americans!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Check It out

MyFox Investigation of Hazing in the Fire Department

Well, well, well E.R.A.S.E. broke the story almost two weeks ago, however, Fox 5 televised it last night and for those of you who still don't believe, please feel free to go to and look for firefighters behaving badly.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

ERASE Update:

Sources have informed the Spook that within the last month, on at least three separate occasions, Deputy Chief Bloom and Battalion Chief Robert Schaefer have purposely understaffed Captain Coleman’s company Engine 21 (which protects Adams Morgan) with under-qualified personnel to drive and operate her fire truck. It’s been reported that the traditional practice of the DC Fire Department has always been to backfill a regular driver technician (when absent from duty) with an equally qualified driver technician, even if they have to pay another technician overtime to come in to work in the vacancy on their day off. The secondary, more economic option available is for the Deputy and the Battalion Chief to search out from among their on-duty personnel a qualified and experienced member who is capable of handling the demands of driving.

Engine and Truck technicians or those acting in their stead must:

· Be familiar with that particular firehouse district;

· Be able to respond to the correct address of where the emergency is, accurately;

· Be expert and efficient in operating that particular piece of apparatus;

· Be knowledgeable on how to troubleshoot mechanical problems that may arise when the engine is supplying water to hoselines on a major fire call.

Contrary to this operational practice, Chief Robert Schaefer has endeavored to staff Captain Coleman with Caucasian probationary firefighters to be in charge of driving the engine. Not only were they unfamiliar with Engine 21’s district, they were also inexperienced with operating and maneuvering the apparatus efficiently. This you would expect, for they are still “rookies” themselves!!!

Now, this is not rocket science – especially to all of you who know how the game is played; in the event of a fire, what is the likelihood of having an overall efficient outcome having two probationers on the back step of the engine, and a probationary driver who works alone, is unsure and under-skilled operating the engine? Sounds like premeditated grounds for disaster, which is what these “commanding chiefs” are wishing for! All the while, the three “unwise men” have jeopardized the safety of our DC citizens, just to play out their games. And they’re certainly not concerned about the safety and welfare of their own troops - Captain Coleman, or her two back step probationers. Could it be perhaps because they’re all black? Do you get it?!! RACISM or, as the kids say on the street, ‘They be Hatin’ for real !!’

The Spook has also learned that Captain Coleman cited Chiefs Schaefer, Bloom and Schultz for inappropriately placing her company out of service twice, for hours at a time, so that she could speedily type up reports concerning trivial infractions. Since submitting this correspondence through her chain of command, and to the Disciplinary Compliance section (which is supposed to provide assistance to officers reporting disciplinary infractions). In return/reprisal, Captain Coleman has since been reprimanded and restricted by Chief Schultz from reporting any further infractions observed of her superior commanders. Ha-Ha! In fact, Chief Schultz directed Captain Coleman to only report all infractions to Chief Schaefer. Now, audience, just how far do you think this mockery model of accountability enforcement will go? Sounds like an organized execution to the Spook! ERASE will continue to investigate and publicize – TELLING IT JUST LIKE IT IS, CALLING A SPADE A SPADE…ORGANIZED CRIME!

We are yet pleased to report that in all of this, Captain Coleman continues to remain vigilant and resilient in her efforts to manage the unmanageable “operations” which should be getting managed by her commanders. Captain Coleman has managed to function well despite the lack of competent staffing and official support. A true and dedicated soldier! ERASE is glad to know that there are some people who, against all odds, truly commit themselves to the mission of protecting and serving our DC citizens. ERASE, and so many others, want to thank Captain Coleman for not wavering; for instead remaining persistent and true to her duties in the valiant fight to abolish RACISM and SEXISM in the DC Fire Department.

Post on Thursday: ALERT!!!ALERT!!!ALERT!!!ALERT!!!

ERASE has just learned that Captain Coleman has been involuntarily detailed until further notice from her assigned company, Engine 21, in Adams Morgan. ERASE has long been expecting this move, and now, at last, ERASE and other official monitors recognize this as another step in the upper command’s attempt to retaliate and professionally execute Captain Coleman, and to deter her in her pursuit to demand management accountability, equal justice and opportunity. The Spook ventures to ask, “Is there any intelligence which resides in the office of the Fire Chief?” “If so, would you please STAND UP?!?” The Spook would really like to know, “will the DC Fire Department have any money left over to even fund the operational expense budget after they’ve been wiped clean from the many lawsuits which are currently being filed against them?” It sounds like they enjoy giving away FREE [DC taxpayers’] money.

If you have a credible story to share with ERASE which involves any form of managerial impropriety, mismanagement of funds, resources, human rights, nepotism, cronyism, we want to hear from you by emailing us at Your comments will only be posted on the blog upon your written consent.

Remember: Once you know right, do right; and by all means DEMAND right!!!

Stay tuned for the Spook's explanation about the impossibility of a person of color being racist...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


It was suggested by an earlier commenter that if E.R.A.S.E. wanted to know about people being set on fire, we should check on Pete Pearson. If anyone knows about Pete Pearson, please email E.R.A.S.E. at, or comment further via the blog. Your anonymity will be safe with E.R.A.S.E. blog hosts

Furthermore, the Spook would suggest that Chief Schaeffer – who has already crossed the line in violating the Fire Department’s own rules and regulations – should slow down if not halt his harassment of Captain Vanessa Coleman.

[Not to mention, he should be the LAST person to go after anyone for improprieties on a test, given that his own family member had problems in this area, and not too long ago!]

Pretty soon he will begin to look like the Emperor with no Clothes.

Also if anyone wants to question the validity of the Kentland lawsuit, do what E.R.A.S.E. did and call the PG County law clerk for verification. The case number is Circuit Court of Maryland case #Cal-07-14623. E.R.A.S.E checks all of its stories, and to those of you who have been threatening suit, you too can be sued for threatening suit, obstructing justice, and attempting to intimidate with your threats.

The Spook has also learned that Councilmember Phil Mendelson has begun an extensive inquiry into the business of the Training Academy. E.R.A.S.E. takes its hat off to Mr. Mendelson and any other person who joins us in wanting to make Washington, DC and its agencies the best in the country! It is up to all of us, no matter our race, creed, gender or religion, to begin the arduous task of cleaning house, and recognizing that racism breeds mediocrity; that brings down all of our standards and the quality of life for ALL of us.

Bottom Line

Bottom Line
Nothing Less