There will be a rally on May 1, 2008, from 12 noon to 2:00 pm. Where? Across the street from the Firefighters Headquarters on Vermont Ave. We will meet at the Civil War Memorial on U Street, NW.
It is the view of E.R.A.S.E. that the DCFD White Supremacist control - not to include all white firefighters - is coming to its end, that the DC taxpayer will not tolerate this good old boy mentality; no more memos to state "zero tolerance towards discrimination" (while it's going on) and hiring additional administrative personnel (like a Chief of Staff to watch your back); and bringing humanitarian ideas to the union is not enough to stop the truth of the wholesale abuses of the fire chief and his cohorts. They should start to send out their resumes in order to keep up with the pace of citizens and firefighters seeking justice. "The people united will never be defeated."
Our demands are for:
- A judicial review;
- A citizens review board established;
- A Congressional inquiry;
- Get rid of the do-nothing union;
- Lt. Lehan out of our neighborhood;
- And Fire Chief Rubin and Deputy Chiefs Brian Lee and Shultz out of our Community (all of them MD residents).
People are still being killed because our EMT operators are not from DC anymore and they don’t know the city. Now whole communities are being burned out, including churches, coincidentally helping landlords avoid paying penalties for being slumlords; E.R.A.S.E. says blaming those fires on junior officers will not work. Put the spotlight on your special operations division where it is 98% white and people who can't swim and others are not trained in areas where they are supposed to be professionals. Your present and future lawsuits of racist injustice are continuing to cost the taxpayers millions of dollars, as is your shameful criminal thefts of DC property and equipment. You must cease and desist! Just like the statement about the rich, the citizens cannot afford you and federal funds should not pay for your indiscretions anymore.
Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department: May 1st Rally
Elevate-The-Soul Online Radio (Rick Tingling-Clemmons Interview on Racism Included)
Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-An Update
Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb Part1
Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb - Part 2
Monday, April 14, 2008
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Nothing Less
International Workers Day!!! I love it. See you there. We all must support one another. "The people United Will never be Defeated"
Count our whole family in. We will be there.
It's about time people started to stand up. I will sirely spread the word. See you on May 1st!
YOU people are so stupid. Yeah as usual, blame the "White Man" for all of your mistakes in life. Don't do your job and burn a whole city block down = THE WHITE MAN, come to work and sit on your LAZY, SLOPPY, ass all day and the complain about THE WHITE MAN when there is work to be done. Go haul trash you whiners!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF, is this really for real? Does anyone with this E.R.A.S.E. group (or its "followers") even have any real truth about several of the situations that are listed on this site? D.C. Fire Chief Dennis Rubin is not a Maryland resident. He is a D.C. resident and lives in an apartment building in the N.W. section of the city. Next, the supposed racist "deer head" was placed at Engine Company 30 approx. 10 years ago by a Black Firefighter! Everyone on here speaks of ending racism, all of you are being racist by saying that everyone who is a white supervisor is a racist! If you really want to have a strong cause why doesn't this group find a purpose that is really out there to fight. Its funny that when a majority of the Chiefs in the DCFD were all black, a few years ago, it was all good. Never did a bunch of white firefighters/citizens start raising hell (or could have.... would not be acceptable) because they were being treated unfairly by those supervising black members. It was just shoved down their throat and white firefighters had to stand-by as the "BLACK GOOD OLE' BOY" network was accepted and in full swing. Let me guess..... if this were to happen again (all black ran) it would be OK and this blog would just disappear. I smell bullshit.
Thanks all for your comments. We wouldn't expect anything more from the last two commenters. Like all things, white supremacy has its beginning and its end. Surprised that white supremacists can read...
This nonsense must cease. I am tired of hearing of it, reading it, and seeing it. What is the city doing about it? Why can't these morons realize there is a real desparity. Just look at the Fire Department history if it's a matter of race. From what I can recall about thirty forty years ago african americans was not allowed to work these jobs. All the progress that has been made through time and this is the closest to unity that can be ascertained. When have the city thought is was best to hire outside employees to be an essential worker here. This mentality is not shared amongst the locals here. There is a real diverity that can found in DC, it is not a hidden secret. Where are the workers from who want to hold on the old mentality that correlates with segregation and slavery? Even if that's not the case, how can you simply ignore the injustice that is blatant.
This is APARTHEID. DC Folks are not use to old fashion racism and they will fight it by any means necessary!
Let the Revolution begin!!!
HAHA You guys are amazing. You have a whole side of the city just flush with violence and your worried about the DCFD?! Blacks are robbing, beating, stabbing, shooting and killing one another everyday in this nieghborhood and all you can worry about is us?! We come to work and put our lives on the line everyday for the citizens of this city and now we're getting slammed by this bullshit group. All over a problem that you are "re-inventing".....good job erase! Way to try and regress our society by 50 or 60 years.
Revolution my ass!!!!
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