(From the Spook who Sits by the Door as told to E.R.A.S.E.)
Battalion Fire Chief John M. Lee, who was in charge of the big Mt. Pleasant fire in March 2008 is planning to retire effective June 22nd, 2008. (This is interesting, given the fact that there has yet to be any results reported of the supposed investigation mandated of the Fire Department on that fire.) He can be heard giving orders on the audio record of the fire, found in the website in the archives section, March 2008.
It was clear that he was not using his grease pencil and chart to record the appropriate process for determining where the fire danger is and the location of where each firefighting unit is located and their proper task. Had he been using it, he would never have misdirected Captain Coleman – one DCFD’s only two Black female Captains – away from the basement, rather than allowing her to proceed in thoroughly checking out that location – where the fire damage was ultimately discovered, too late.
We urge you to check out earlier comments in above posts accusing Captain Coleman of being guilty of not assuming Battalion Chief Lee’s responsibility and let E.R.A.S.E. know if you think this is a coincidence – or could it be something more sinister?
But, here’s more…
Fire Department chainsaws – four to five – have been stolen in recent days, from Truck 12, we believe. Their loss was blamed on another black captain.
The Washington Post reported that more than $3 million has been cut from the Fire Department’s budget. That’s just $3 million less available to be ripped off by carpetbaggers feasting off of our strapped taxpayers.
E.R.A.S.E. plans to shine its next spotlight on DCFD’s training academy. We reported earlier that over $600,000 of the taxpayers dollars have been wasted on paying for a training program to be conducted by the University of Maryland. It is a program that was previously conducted internally and could easily have been contracted through the University of the District of Columbia. But those dollars have been sent instead to Chief Rubin’s favorite training spot and depository for our tax dollars, the University of Maryland. Possibly a conflict of interest? Inquiring minds want to know…
It is further rumored that 15 or more recruits were phased out of the training program because they did not pass a required test where they were given more than a normal volume of information to digest/learn in a matter of weeks where normally they should have had months. They were also coerced to sign an agreement that if they did not maintain at least a 75% grade point average they would resign. 98% of these recruits were DC residents of color. This is just the tip of the iceberg. More information about this notorious, infamous training academy is forthcoming. Please stay tuned….
Last, but not least, is the fact that Dennis Rubin’s absence from his job and his recent travels are indicative of his having taken E.R.A.S.E. up on it’s suggestion that he take steps to seek out a new job elsewhere.
We encourage all of you interested in seeing justice prevail please take it on yourselves to email Channel 4’s Ask the Mayor segment aired each Thursday morning at 6:45 am at to ask him how long he plans to ignore the rampant racism, graft, corruption and nepotism in DC’s Fire Department; or when we will see an official report on the causes of the suspicious Mt. Pleasant fire last March 2008;
Remember, they can only do what we let them; we will only get what we are organized to take.
A message from E.R.A.S.E.:
Friends, comrades:
This is a call and reminder to folks asking for your support and action - we are asking all possible to send an email ( or call and put in your inquiry to the Ask Mayor Fenty segment they do each Thursday morning requesting him to respond to the problems in the DCFD including:
rampant graft and corruption, including illegally accepting federal funds for providing services in which they are not compliant;
insiders selling off fire department equipment to other jurisdictions and entities at the expense of DC taxpayers;
the culture of racism, nepotism, sexism, homophobism and cronyism that is allowed to fester at the highest levels, and results in costly EEOC cases - approximately 50 or more a year costing taxpayers millions;
specifically, what does Mayor Fenty plan to do about these conditions?. There are many more specifics on the blog, which we urge you to please take a look at, and urge others to check is out also. You can find specifics and negative attacks and comments by the opposition. We also encourage you to make comments yourself, and consider joining E.R.A.S.E., which just requires taking action of any kind against racism and exploitation - sharing information, commenting on the blog, sending the request to channel 4, passing on and/or posting flyers, attending rallies, etc. We especially urge you to comment on and otherwise log in support for the Vanessa Coleman case, a black female Captain who is being unfairly targeted for blame in the Mt. Pleasant fire where we have clear evidence that she was not in charge - while they remain true to their pattern of racist, sexist actions.
Our demands are basic:
- establish a citizen's review board;
- convene a congressional inquiry; and
- dismiss Chief Rubin, Lieutenant Lehan (Engine 30), Schultz and the rest of the deputy chiefs who live in Maryland.
We have mounted several successful rallies that have grown with each one, the last one on Thursday, May 1st in front of the FD headquarters.
We are gearing up to send teams to visit both city council and congressional members. Stay tuned...
Thanks in advance for your support and help in cracking the jaws of racism!
There will be an awards ceremony Tuesday May 20, 2008 at the Builders Museum in the 500 Block of F Street N.W. I am sure the Mayor and the Fire Chief will be there along with the media. This may be the event where E.R.A.S.E. needs to show up and let them know that they can no longer ignore these issues..
If you want to end racism why are you leaving out some other important stories. Like the time when a black male sergeant and a black female firefighter were caught having sex while on duty. What happened to them? Oh yea, both were promoted. How about a black truck driver that was so intoxicated while on duty that an IV had to be started to help him sober up. Another cover up by the good ole boys? No his officer is black! As far as the Marconi-BJ incidents? When did Lt Marconi shoot at someone?? Lets talk about the recruits at the training academy. Is the complaint about the material? Isn't there a black captain in charge of the administrative section and a black captain in charge of the EMS section? Or is it the fact that they can't maintain a passing average the issue? I guess you dont mind having people that can't pass EMT treating your family and friends. Lets talk about physicals now. How is it that a Sergeant can remain in a full duty status when he has to walk with a cane? Or a recently promoted Lieutenant that cant do firefighting activities remain on the job? I guess there will always be a spot at the TA for Lt Johnson if he leaves the clinic. What about the BFC that attempted to set his wife on fire? Oh wait that was his son. Does he still teach UDC classes at the TA while on duty? Its a shame that our last Fire Marshall retired. Did he ever get his gun back after threatening his wife?
B.F.C. Michael T. Reiley was found guilty of changing a Lieutenants report from Engine 10 by the E.E.O. officer. This same Chief is now going to be promoted to Deputy Fire Chief Next Month.
This Chief's aide ex-Lt. Gregory G. Crowe had extra personel at Engine 10 and was found guilty but the Lieutenant from Engine 10 was charged. But Sgt. Crowe couldn't be charged because he has a last chance agreement.
Unfair Justice
The comments are quite interesting... but is that all yous "skirts" will ever do..."GOSSIP?" Hows about also putting it in the face of the people who can make a difference, else, keep it to yourself. DEMAND JUSTICE, DEMAND CHANGE from your Fire Chief on down. PATHETIC!
GOSSIP is what brings me to work every 4th day!!!
Every civilized human being should want to end racism which is defined as an irrational justification for denying someone who does not look like you, i.e., blacks by whites, their inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in general; in particular to employment, health care, housing, the right to ride in the back or front of the bus, and similar human rights. These include being treated fairly on the job, where one lives, and even in disciplinary actions as well as in other situations of justice. Yes, E.R.A.S.E. does want to end racism, sexism and homophobism that are all used to maintain an economic system that exploits all workers, whether black or white, straight or gay, male or female through use of a divide and conquer scheme as a method to ensure its continuation.
It also means that racism supports the concept and idea of white supremacy, even if it took the manipulation of the Bible to justify slavery; stealing people's land; dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; creating and reinforcing Jim Crow laws; using our tax money and resources to educate firefighters and EMS workers from other areas, as far away as California and New York, who are white (while manipulating program rules to deny our black youth opportunity); calling people immigrants (and criminalizing them)whose land you took; coming into an area - DC, with predominantly people of color - and thinking you can reign supreme; and other evils to human beings. It is wrong. This idea and philosophy of racism and white supremacy is maniacal (meaning crazy or insane) at best.
In response to the litany of wrong doing identified by anonymous and friends, were you attempting to justify these actions? Or were you attempting to show us how you use these discrepancies to make what E.R.A.S.E. calls 'making a deal with the Devil'? If you discriminate against people of color on one hand and let slide wrongdoings from people of color on the other, the ball still stays in your court, and you are guilty of both! E.R.A.S.E. wants a Fire Department that is made up of principled men and women, not people who mete out justice selectively. E.R.A.S.E. will call your comment picking up a rock to drop it on your own foot. It is this level of ignorance and uncivilized actions that we want eradicated - and not just in our Fire Department, but throughout our city agencies!
E.R.A.S.E. knows that people who call themselves white represent less than 10% of the world's population. With those numbers, I would choose to be the leader of goodness, not evil.
The extra personnel at Engine 10 came from a firefighter who return to work from sick leave. The lieutenant failed to notify the battalion office, thereby creating his own mess. We will not mention the newly promoted captain, while a lieutenant at Engine 10, punched a probationer from Engine 19 in the face on a fire on 49th St.NE Witnessed by many and quietly swept under the rug. Sounds like justice to me.
The things you people point out, I.E. the sex, drunk truck driver, rookie punched in the face, sgt. with a cane, attempted murder, assault, extra tutoring behind closed doors, bribes, all that is acceptable. I know, I know a white officer was demoted for throwing a dish and hitting someone and a black officer was promoted after punching someone, but thats life.
"Fire Department chainsaws – four to five – have been stolen in recent days, from Truck 12, we believe. Their loss was blamed on another black captain."
How do you expect people to believe the bullshit on this page when the information isn't true. The saws were stolen from Truck 5, and the Captain there is white. I can see how you would like to spin the story your way, to make it look like somebody is out to get you.
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