Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department: May 1st Rally

Elevate-The-Soul Online Radio (Rick Tingling-Clemmons Interview on Racism Included)

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-An Update

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb Part1

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb - Part 2

Wednesday, June 25, 2008




Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Spook has been busy again

The spook just uncovered that at engine 19, a Black firefighter ran over a rock slightly damaging the fire truck and was given an official reprimand (serious business), which was not his fault and clearly an accident. Several days later on his shift a white firefighter hit a parked car with a fire truck; he was given a 169 admonition (not serious business). The difference here is the type of objects the fire truck hits and of course the color of the firefighters. Shame…shame…shame...

The Spook also found out that the fire department's kangaroo court [better known as the Trial Board], which has been known for ganging up on firefighters with any number of witnesses against the firefighter, has recently stated that a firefighter can only bring three witnesses. This is not covered in the Firefighter's Red White and Blue books (these documents cover rules governing the responsibilities and actions of the fire department, the union and individual firefighters).

Nepotism gone amok...

The Schaefer family has five members in the Fire Department, ranging from Chiefs, to Captains to New Recruits. The new recruit did not pass the physical or mental portion of the Firefighter's training, but, unlike more than 28 black DC residents who have been recently tossed out of the Fire Department for not passing the same test, the family has protected this recruit and he is a firefighter today. We are saddened to report that it has been alleged to E.R.A.S.E. that the younger Schaefer, because of an accident, has some physical and mental challenges.

The truth surrounding the character assassination attempt on Mark Burr, firefighter and gentleman. Read this story and you decide:

On 2/13/07 I was asked to lie about the “plate incident.” (After someone made a statement Lt. Crowe threw several dishes at 2 Firefighters (Quick note: Lt. Crowe was demoted to Sgt. and became the aide to the First Battalion Fire Chief, located at engine 12), striking both the white and black Firefighters in the face and head, causing massive lacerations. One firefighter who lost a lot of blood was taken to the hospital immediately; the other, who was knocked unconscious, had to be convinced. Please note that this was a criminal assault.

After the plates were thrown Chief McClafferty asked Lehan what he should do. Sgt. R. Lehan proposed a cover up story to the Battalion Fire Chief McClafferty while I was present. Chief McClafferty then stated that he did not want to get the police involved or the media, since they were waiting outside the firehouse to get more coverage of the D Street fire we had just returned from. The cover up was to say that the plates fell from the kitchen cabinet of Engine 30 and struck the two firemen in the head. lBy the way there are no cabinets in Engine 30.] Sgt Lehan also stated that the Deputy Fire Chief Ellerbe did not need to get involved and he didn't want this event to leak to the media. (The media coverage of DCFD at the time was negative; this was around the time of the alleged prostitute ring at Engine 27.)

Chief McClafferty then asked Sgt. Richard Lehan (now Lieutenant Lehan) if this story would work. Sgt. Lehan replied and said that it will if all the guys will agree to it. Right after Sgt. Lehan made that last statement, they looked to me for approval. I refused to comply with that story, saying, “there is no way I can lie about what just happened, and if I have to put out a special report in writing I will tell the truth.” Chief McClafferty and Sgt. Lehan both shared an expression of frustration and Chief McClafferty then stated that we have to tell the truth because he did not want this to come back and bite him in the rear later. Lt. R. Lehan called another firefighter and asked him if he would lie and he responded “No” and hung up. Lt. Lehan threatened me soon after that plate incident saying that he was going to get rid of me. I did not take Lt. Lehan seriously after he made his threat; but then I noticed how he showed a special interest in my annual physical that was soon to come. Lt. Lehan and Capt. Ceglie would ask me about my physical, what the date was, had it been approved in front all my crew members every morning. They would joke about drug use i.e., crack, coke and marijuana, behavior that I did not participate in. They would call the Police and Fire Clinic (PFC) consistently about people who they were interested in. After my physical on11/19/07 I was recalled to the Police and Fire Clinic to resubmit a urine sample on 11/20/07. The purpose of this test is still unknown.
2 firefighters called me and said that Dept Aide Sgt. Eddie Lehan (twin brother of Lt. Richard Lehan) were questioning the entire house about my social habits and if anybody hung out with me to verify any drug abuse problem.

Chief McClafferty said that I had to be retested because my urine was light. There is a scientific question surrounding that statement - what does light mean?

In the car on the way to the PFC for my retest, Lt. R. Lehan's twin brother, Dept. Fire Chief Aide Sgt. Eddie Lehan, asked how long I had been working with the Fire Department; I told him 4 years and then he stated to me that, I "must be one of those stupid M-----F------s who would lose their job for doing stupid S--t.”

Even if it was true, the Substance Abuse policy states that you are allowed a second chance after rehabilitation. (See Firefighters Bulletin 1, 1989 and 5, 2007…; note that Bulletin 5 is unofficial.)

I had questions about why I had to be retested. Some comments from the lab technicians and Police and Fire liaison were that I would not be protesting the retest if I didn’t already know it was dirty. Chief Begley, who is in charge of the PFC, is also a “rumored” member of Lt. R. Lehan’s clique; Lehan is also affectionately referred to as 'the Godfather'.

My test results came back positive for marijuana and thus I had to begin a rehabilitation(12/14/07) program to return to work, a program which I completed in January of 2008. After completion of the program the powers that be still went forward with my termination. My rehab counselor from Kaiser Permanente, Lee Budahn, and Rebecca Montgomery, my Case Manager while in the counseling program, both stated that I did not fit the criteria for the program, that I never exhibited signs of an addict. However, they were informed by the fire department that the program was mandatory in order for me to return to work. I have been negative in all my drug screens since completion of the counseling program. I have been testing weekly since that date of 11/20/07 and the two subsequent drug test results left me more puzzled than before. On 11/19/07 I was told that I submitted a diluted sample; 11/20/07 was the first positive test, 11/30/07 was a negative result, and on 12/04/07 was another positive result for marijuana. 12/11/07 was the first a negative test after that and it has been negative ever since.

I am now facing termination from the DCFD and have been barred from all Fire Department grounds and functions by the Assistant Fire Chief Schultz, who also shares a close relationship with Lt. Richard Lehan. To my knowledge, there have been several other firefighters whose tests have come up positive, however, they have not been barred from the Fire Department and functions. I have written this Assistant Fire Chief several times for an explanation of the reasons why I have been barred from the fire stations; to date, I have not been given a reason that reflects the Fire Department policy.

The Battalion Fire Chief Begley of the Police and Fire Clinic threatened me about termination (12/07/07) before I started drug counseling. This individual shares yet another close relationship to the Assistant Fire Chief Schultz and Lt. Lehan. As you can see I have the odds stacked against me with an issue that is neither a part of my character, nor a habit I own. The reason for this? Well, I think it's evident; I didn't agree to lie and now I have a drug problem - how convenient!

The Union, Local 36, was and has been fully aware of my situation from the very beginning and has been of no assistance. They have not intervened, even upon request from me.
Firefighter Burr is now going through Trial Board procedures (which is about as fair as getting a fair trail at Guantanamo Bay), where he has been referred to by the prosecuting attorney as a "Stoner." A transcript from his Trial Board can be requested through the DCFD.

Another Example why E.R.A.S.E.'s demands are for:
-A Judicial Review
-A Citizen's Review Board
-A Congressional Inquiry
-Getting rid of the do-nothing union
-Getting Lt. Lehan out of our neighborhood along with Fire Chief Rubin; Deputy Chiefs Brian Lee and Lawrence Shultz out of our community (latter 2 MD residents). Also add to the list Training Coordinator Stamey (with his 6 figure salary) and fake instructors Dickey and Murphy, NOT certified and all non-DC residents!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hot Off The Press!

On Friday, June 13, 2008, Captain Vanessa Coleman (one of only two female Captains, assigned to firefighting) spoke as a guest on the WPFW (89.3FM) radio talk show “In Our Voices”, hosted by Madame/Sister Nkenge Toure. Some of the following topics were discussed on this segment:

  • Open Practice of Racism amongst the rank-and-file especially toward Minorities
  • How members like Captain Coleman have been targeted by head officials, for reporting indecent and unfair treatment; i.e. Racial Discrimination, Sexism, Nepotism, Retaliation, Harassment, and Disparity of Treatment
  • The systematic breakdown of resources within the department which are no longer dependable for obtaining relief, and, that the integrity of relief is likely to be compromised due to a prejudicial conflict of interest
  • The Lack of Equal and Diversified Hiring especially of Minority City Residents
  • The lack of quality recruit EMS instruction provided at the main Training Academy, especially training specifically designed for new entry level recruits to the field of Firefighting & EMS
  • Nkenge asked Captain Coleman (18 year Veteran) about her 1st fire. Captain Coleman shared that the day the fire call came in, there was great anticipation, a little fear, but mostly the knowledge that she had a job to do; and with the assistance of her team, she fulfilled her job, successfully putting the fire out.
  • In many words, Captain Coleman expressed that there are many personal insecurities and ignorance which provoke the abuse toward women in the male-dominated culture of the fire department. Nonetheless, despite all opposition, women have proven over and over again, that they can “do the job”, and do it well! Now, the network and bond has become stronger through the integration of lady firefighters, EMT’s and paramedics.

So there you have it, at a glimpse! Diversity, in all its splendor - beauty, brains & strength. They’ve joined their forces as “Women Serving in the Fire Service”.

  • Captain Coleman suggested that those who share the reported concerns regarding the issues of racism, sexism, and disparity in the fire department – should continue expressing their concerns and demands for change to Fire Chief Dennis Rubin, The Mayor, their Ward Councilmember. I will venture to add that you share it with anyone and everyone who will listen and is willing to aid you in making a positive change! “You must let your voice be heard...Stand Up & Be Counted!” You can obtain all government official contact information through the website.

And... stay tuned for the complete record of the interview, coming shortly.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dear Sirs:

June 11, 2008

Dear Sirs:

Since January 2007 to date, moreover, since the devastating March 2008 Mt. Pleasant Street fire, I’ve witnessed and raised many concerns about the ethical, moral, and social character and condition of our department. Specifically, among the head officials who manage our services and operations on a daily basis. I’ve been a proud member of my department for over 18 years. I’ve worked hard to climb through the ranks and make a positive difference, in each place I’m assigned. Never before during my service have I observed such impropriety as I have witnessed since the turn of the century; and again, that impropriety shines out most among our management. Such impropriety between officials is to be compared to combat. The primary difference here is that the casualties that are taking place are not among the enemy, but are resulting from concealed acts of “friendly fire”. This simply should not be! Many of the improprieties arise from a lack of commitment to properly enforce the rules, regulations and policies. If and when the policies are enforced, they’re not enforced with equality, consistency, or respect. I highly honor the foundations of order which have been put in place by our forerunners to protect and conserve the department’s trust and great name. And though I recognize that we’ve gained on the scale of economy, we’ve also become drastically deficient in our principles and humanity towards our own. Integrity; Equality; Integration & Democracy are all faces without a name. Simply stated, these truths should be self- evident to all who see and wear them. My petition is, as each of you strive in your respective capacity to assure the efficiency and integrity of governmental operations and services to the citizens and visitors of the District of Columbia, I ask, that you duly remain relentless and faithful to also protect and support those employees who earnestly and tirelessly serve and assist you in “making the mission happen.”

Advocate of the Fire Service,

Captain Vanessa Coleman

DC Fire & EMS

Engine 21 in Adams Morgan

Cc: Fire Chief Dennis Rubin

Mayor Adrian Fenty

Councilmember Jim Graham

Councilmember Phil Mendelson

More Radio Time

Capt. Vanessa Coleman will be on WPFW 89.3 FM on Friday June 13, 2008 at 11:30 am. Stay tuned, be alert and aware.

Trust the Good Ole' Boys... They Never Disappoint!

This past week, The Spook was trying to relax and went to a Nationals Baseball game on Thursday. Attracted by some commotion, on investigation found that the police were escorting out two of DC's finest. Yes, Officers/trainers Dickey and Murphy who had invited some recruits to a baseball game at the Nationals Park, proceeded to get drunk, so drunk they became belligerent and had to be escorted out of the ball game! Such professionalism! Such a display of leadership! A true demonstration of impropriety and grossly unacceptable behavior - an embarassment to the city in front of impressionable young minds and the public! (And, they tried to keep it a secret!) [Unqualified, uncertified trainers who just don't know how to conduct themselves in public.]

Furthermore, there is a Recruiting Session scheduled for Saturday, June 14th. Yet there has been no notification anywhere we can see and definitely not within the District of Columbia. Lets put that in the things that make you go hmmm file.

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Spook Who Sits By the Door Shares A First Hand Report of Bias in DC Training Academy

Good Morning,

My name is Nakia Martin. I am speaking on behalf of the Fire Fighters in the class of 355/356/357. I am a life-long resident of the District of Columbia. I was educated in the public schools of the District and have voted and paid taxes in the city of my birth.

It is my and my fellow/sister classmates’ belief that charges of conflict of interest and racial discrimination cut to the very core of the Fire Department’s community values. It is imperative that they be thoroughly investigated and pursued, wherever they lead. We are speaking up because we believe that there remain several issues that need to be examined. We would like to highlight a sample of evidence that might help decide whether our complaints have been given fair, diligent and thorough consideration. I would like to list some examples of the unfair practices we are experiencing.

1. The first week we went through 8 Chapters; 2nd week 16 chapters; and the 3rd week we went through 18 chapters. The course previously was 4 to 6 weeks. Our class was compressed into three weeks. When the Black recruits requested help from the instructors, our requests were ignored and we were not given any assistance. Meanwhile, the White recruits’ questions were addressed and their requests for assistance were always granted. We had only two practice exams. One of the instructors left the practice to speak on the phone and never returned to the class. When a seasoned Black firefighter tried to offer us assistance, we were accused of cheating.

2. We had nine different instructors who were all White. One of our instructors was a recruit from the previous class and was not a qualified instructor.

3. We also had an instructor, Sgt. Murphy, who tapped another female instructor, Libby, on her behind in front of the whole class. This was offensive conduct to the female recruits.

4. At least one instructor, instructor Libby, was not a nationally registered EMT and was not qualified to teach. This same instructor informed us that she believed we were being set-up to fail. This was stated in front of a number of recruits.

5. A lot of the White recruits were already experienced fire fighters and EMTs from other states and counties. The classes were geared toward experienced EMTs not beginners; they were taught as if the entire class was in a refresher course and were all experienced EMTs.

6. When we questioned why we were not allowed to keep quizzes so that we could study for the test the instructors just tore them up and did not answer.

7. Members of the class were threatened with retaliation if they continued to question or complained.

We are in the 21st century and I find myself perplexed by the form of racial discrimination I face today. We have been placed on an unfair playing field and I find that racism continues to be a real force in American life with severe consequences; and I regret that we find it necessary to point out that discrimination is demonstrable and real today in the DC Fire Department.

I have always wanted to be a member of the fire department. I speak for the members of my class who have had the same ambitions as I. When we joined the Department, went through the physical training and passed, we did not expect to face the type of problems we have been experiencing since physical training has been over. In the past it has been the practice of people practicing discrimination to use biased testing and subjective reasons for not hiring individuals. My class is experiencing this in 2008. We believe that we were not on a level playing field. We request that we be given another opportunity where the playing field is fair.

The Spook Wants to Know: If a Trainer is not qualified to teach a trainee, how could he or she be qualified to fail that same trainee?

Things that make you go Hmmmmmmmm...

Job Crisis Journal

Name: Captain Vanessa Coleman

Promoted from Lieutenant to Captain on 12/31/07

Trailblazer Traits:

  • I am 36 years old,
  • Born and raised in Washington DC (uptown)
  • Attended DC public schools. Graduated from high school in 1990 and went right into the DC Fire Cadet Program
  • Became a full-fledged firefighter in 1992 with great achievements re: practical & scholastic scores in Fire/EMS instruction
  • After filing my first ever EEO complaint in 1995, I was challenged to take my 1st promotional exam in 1997, I was promoted to Sergeant in 1999. I took another exam and got promoted to Lieutenant in 2004. Took the last required written exam to be promoted to Captain in 1996, making Captain as of December 31, 2007.

My aspirations and goals as a ranking officer in the DC Fire Department are…

To play a chief role in the administration division. One who will regulate and promote department honor through excellence, integrity, and trust through the operations and services we provide. To reassure our internal and external customers, by the actions we (as officials) take, that “everyone matters”.

What are the professional challenges that exist in the process of achieving these goals?

1) It’s challenging being a minority in a work field which was original designed and populated for white males. Being successful, proficient and steadfast at doing the job has created much animosity among the male population of both racial groups. I even have experienced such plights with some of the women on the job. Along with the animosity has brewed: harassment, discrimination, ostracism, slander, retaliation, oppression, nepotism, cronyism, mismanagement, abuse of authority, misuse of authority, revocation of my authority, violation of my civil rights by superiors and the internal EEO agency, conspiracy to ambush my career name and service, and more etc.

I never expected it to be easy, but I do expect for it to be fair and just. There are constant battles that I have to fight, endure and overcome.

What current battle and/or issues am I facing?

The most recent battle kicked off with me being blamed for the devastating historical Mt. Pleasant Fire that occurred on 3/12/08. My officials conspired to blame me of being responsible for the basement of the apartment building not being checked as it should have been checked, for fire. The basement check, being delayed, was said to have been the primary cause contributing to the wide, uncontrollable spread of the fire, which ultimately led to the structural fire loss of the building. The official fire cause and determination has not yet been found. Also note: It took over two months before our officials conducted a formal critique and review of the fire. Even then, hardly any errors were acknowledged or corrections recommended. Errors that are not acknowledged or corrected are bound to repeat themselves. The only question that remains is when and where? As known to date, no other fire department officers, other than me, have been disciplined. This includes the chief in charge of the fire scene, whose job it was to assign, control & monitor all companies and operations on the scene. The recent word is that this chief has since put in papers to retire (June 22, 2008); others say that he’s been forced to go due to the big fire demise.

My officials knew that the reason the basement didn’t get checked is because the chief wrongly redirected me and my company to do another located tasks (on the 3rd floor) before we could locate and check the basement. It wasn’t until after 10 min. into the active fire call that a report was given that there was fire showing in the basement. Resources had to be pulled from other locations to go and control the fire in the basement. The officials tried to cover up this error by shifting the focus, blame and discipline on me for supposedly NOT checking the basement. This has, and continues to be, their attempt to hide the other male command chiefs, who should rightly be held accountable for such operational errors, which is and was their responsibility.

The disciplinary charge for the alleged infraction of not checking the basement has been written up against me, and the offered penalty (a written reprimand) has since been increased (to suspension) as a direct reprise of me challenging the charge and process.

Note: There’s been an ongoing act of harassment, retaliation, discrimination, abuse of authority, and even direct violations of department and city policy - all in the spirit of pursuing Captain Coleman, literally compromising the department’s mission* to maintain safety and services in the District of Columbia.

* Not supporting or endorsing her requirement to enforce regulations or discipline among her subordinates; placing her fire company out of service for hours at a time just to make her type up reports which are then scrutinized for ways to bring accusations which then lead to petty disciplinary actions. Captain Coleman has officially reported these improprieties to the Fire Chief for accountability.

So what are the Fire Chief and his head officials doing to rectify all of the ongoing confusion and improprieties?

They appear to be going along with the conspiracy, taking no action, thus, supporting it.

What is it going to take to bring an end to the negative issues that are facing your department?

It’s going to take continuous public awareness, governmental exposure, and outside agents to aggressively investigate and rectify the (silent/undercover) improprieties that are currently impacting the Fire Department in a gross, negative way. We are in desperate need of those authorities who posses the power, to hold our officials accountable for actions which are NOT fair, just, or right ~ as it pertains to our operations, services, proper management of funds, appropriate use of resources; quality training, and the equitable treatment and opportunity of employees, esp. minority officers, civilian workers, and African Americans.

To start correction process, we’re requesting:

A Citizens Accountability Review Board

  • A Judicial Review – to investigate and correct the systematic improprieties which undermine our agency operations.
  • A Congressional Inquiry – to monitor and account for the proper use of funding

As for the internal code of ethics, standards, and order, a good system is already in place. All each respective official needs to do is CONSISTENTLY SUPPORT and ENFORCE IT! Once they do so, things will improve, department wide!

  • If accountability doesn’t fix the problem, causable termination will:

This could include replacing top officials; restructuring the EEO Internal Agency and Disciplinary Compliance Section for starters.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hear Ye Hear Ye!!

Tomorrow morning on Friday, June 6th, 2008, tune in at 9:40 am to Gloria Minott's show on WPFW, 89.3 FM, Pacifica Radio in the Nation's Capital to hear an update from Captain Vanessa Coleman, a most valiant fighter against injustice and exploitation!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Spook Who Sits by the Door Turns the Spotlight on the Training Academy

The DCFD Training Academy - Where our young people's hopes are dashed; large sums of money are spent on worthless training programs and tests; where monies are being spent more out of state than in the past; where cronyism is allowed to flourish; where leadership can only be seen as Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee; where one of the only persons with training credentials is being and has been harassed for the last four years... Where these education geniuses have used as a training mode separating white trainees from black trainees, claiming that Black trainees were intellectually inferior; where Black trainees with no experience are put in the same class with volunteer firefighters from New York, California, Pennsylvania and Virginia, with a minimum level of firefighter experience; where there's little to no remedial training for trainees who are mostly from DC and mostly African American to assist them in passing the test; AND where the people who are teaching them have absolutely NO training or are not certified as teachers - except for one. Where money is being wasted on a new test brought in after the Rosenbaum tragedy, the National Registry Exam, costing the city $70 each time it is delivered, while the DOH test for EMT certification, which has been used for decades, costs only $30 each time. Trainees are given three times to pass this National Registry Exam, which is nearly breaking the Department's budget; nearly 28 applicants have not yet passed it. Disciplinary actions for minor violations at the school have been levied mostly against Blacks. Racism and white supremacy are the rule, with a white Deputy Chief, Paul Jones, and a Black Battalion Fire Chief, Mark Wynn, described as "a Clarence Thomas wannabe". Trainees have a union where they must pay the same fees as the firefighters while EMT's pay more.

We'd like to state here that the Training Academy has two basic sections: one is Firefighting, and one is EMS. There are still remaining equity and administrative problems that stand in the way of making a marriage between the Firefighters and EMS workers fair. In this relationship, where EMS worker training is more in depth and calls for a greater skill level by some, according to our reporters, they are treated in the Department as second class citizens. EMS workers in the past have been mostly Black and firefighters mostly white. Most firefighters do not want to work on ambulances or in EMS capacities; and their attitudes toward EMS workers is documented in the firefighters' website, It was documented again at a recent Public Safety hearing called by Councilmember Phil Mendelson, which can be viewed online at It has been further reported to The Spook (and was earlier noted on the blog by E.R.AS.E.) about some of the elements of testimony by Mr. Chinua Walker of Medic #4, at 1:45:55 into the video, when he speaks about misdeeds (unethical behavior, citizens dying for failure to properly evaluate), names firefighters who are on a blacklist by the head of internal affairs at 1:49:44 into the video, firefighters on the Fire Boat who cannot swim and members assigned to rescue squads who do not have EMT cards.

It was alleged to The Spook Who Sits By the Door, that Sergeant Theresa Shanklin, reportedly one of the only Certified DOH Instructors, also certified in ACLS and CPR, at the Training Academy, has been experiencing harassment since she testified about the Department's deficiencies in training before then-Councilmember Kathy Patterson's committee in 2004. She warned the committee that she would be retaliated against. Nearly a year-and-a-half later, her words came true when she was called into her supervisor's office, Chief Willis who has since been transferred, and told that in three days she would be put back into operations, removing her from her training position. She fought this removal and used her rights to FOIA - Freedom of Information Act - the cause for her removal. When she found that the excuse for transferring her out of her job was being charged with "refusing to teach ALS (Advanced Life Support)", Sgt. Shanklin filed an EEO claim through DCFD. Their EEO officer, Ms. Hutchinson, found that Sgt. Shanklin had no claim and advised her to go to the Office of Human Rights. Human Rights then gave Shanklin a letter stating the Agency didn't mean to discriminate against her, therefore she had no right to sue. Sgt. Shanklin then obtained an attorney and filed an appeal which goes to court on September 12, 2008, where she and E.R.A.S.E. expect her to be victorious.

Meanwhile, Sgt. Shanklin continues to hold her head high and stand up against the nearly daily harassment she experiences at the hands of paramedic Training Coordinator Dave Stamey, a former Flight Medic at Washington Hospital Center, which are the only qualifications known to the Spook - a FOIA will soon help us to know more - who was brought in on the heels of the Rosenbaum case. [It has been alleged that Stamey, who lives in Virginia, comes to work late EVERY DAY, stating that he does not want to deal with the traffic were he to arrive on time!] While Stamey holds the title of Training coordinator, he does not teach and demonstrates that he believes his principle job is to run things, it has been alleged.

Stamey stole Sgt. Shanklin's notes where she had been documenting the persistent disrespect she had been experiencing at his hands. When a firerfighter, Natalie Overton, was later brought in to assist with CPR training and requested supplies, she received them shortly thereafter when Shanklin had yet to receive hers. When Sgt. Shanklin then asked why her request for supplies pertaining to EMS training had not yet been met and wanted to also get them, she was put on charges for failing to follow the chain of command - The Spook repeats, Captain Ford put Sgt. Shanklin on charges for asking Captain Schaefer, who was in charge of equipment, about getting her equipment!

It has been alleged that Sgt. Shanklin had initiated a remedial training class that had realized some success in improving the passing rate of trainees for EMT Certification, an initiative that was supported by Deputy Fire Chief Paul Jones. Her former supervisor Deputy Fire Chief Jeffries, who is now at Grimke, had been non-supportive of the remedial class, stating that the trainees could "just read on their own". It has been further alleged that Dr. Williams, Medical Director of the Fire and EMS Department, who is also full-time at Howard University Hospital and was on duty when Rosenbaum was brought in to the Emergency Room to be seen, has never been to the Training Academy to review or observe the training program.

The Spook further plans to deal with the exploits of Training Instructors Dickey and Murphy, who have been alleged to have patted a female instructor on her rear in front of the class, walked into the classroom in underwear and tee shirt, and referred to a class of mostly Black trainees as "monkeys". As you can see, the Spook has been verrrrry busy.

Members of class 355, 356 and 357 met with Councilmember Mendelson, as arranged by Union 36 boss Dan Dugan, where the outrageous and unlawful escapades of the training academy were discussed. It was suggested at that meeting that if the instructors were not certified to teach, they are also not certified to flunk, and therefore, more money, more money and more money of the DC taxpayers will be drained by lawsuits to come. One question that the Spook has asked is With all of these problems in the Fire Department, the Schools, Child and Family Services, the Health Department, Chief Financial Officer (remember the missing $40 million) and others, Who is in Charge of the City? and Who Should Be Responsible? The Spook has already said that he /she does NOT want to hear The Devil Made me Do It!

E.R.A.S.E. recognizes that the problems that have been discussed on this blog are class-based, and that racism, sexism, homophobism, cronyism and other isms are ideas and deeds that have been used to divide and conquer workers, making it difficult for them to get a handle on the fact that the struggle is truly between the haves and the have nots. E.R.A.S.E. only wants the services that we pay for and work very hard to deliver and have delivered, to be shared with the community with the love, care, compassion, empathy, efficiency, thoroughness, etcetera; with the vision that we want to make this a better world than the one we have found ourselves. This will take all of us - white, black, brown, red, yellow, blue and green; men and women; short and tall; thin or thick; straight, curly or kinky hair; gay or straight; old or young; foreign or native-born; of all religions - to make this a better world.

Bottom Line

Bottom Line
Nothing Less