The DCFD Training Academy - Where our young people's hopes are dashed; large sums of money are spent on worthless training programs and tests; where monies are being spent more out of state than in the past; where cronyism is allowed to flourish; where leadership can only be seen as Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee; where one of the only persons with training credentials is being and has been harassed for the last four years... Where these education geniuses have used as a training mode separating white trainees from black trainees, claiming that Black trainees were intellectually inferior; where Black trainees with no experience are put in the same class with volunteer firefighters from New York, California, Pennsylvania and Virginia, with a minimum level of firefighter experience; where there's little to no remedial training for trainees who are mostly from DC and mostly African American to assist them in passing the test; AND where the people who are teaching them have absolutely NO training or are not certified as teachers - except for one. Where money is being wasted on a new test brought in after the Rosenbaum tragedy, the National Registry Exam, costing the city $70 each time it is delivered, while the DOH test for EMT certification, which has been used for decades, costs only $30 each time. Trainees are given three times to pass this National Registry Exam, which is nearly breaking the Department's budget; nearly 28 applicants have not yet passed it. Disciplinary actions for minor violations at the school have been levied mostly against Blacks. Racism and white supremacy are the rule, with a white Deputy Chief, Paul Jones, and a Black Battalion Fire Chief, Mark Wynn, described as "a Clarence Thomas wannabe". Trainees have a union where they must pay the same fees as the firefighters while EMT's pay more.
We'd like to state here that the Training Academy has two basic sections: one is Firefighting, and one is EMS. There are still remaining equity and administrative problems that stand in the way of making a marriage between the Firefighters and EMS workers fair. In this relationship, where EMS worker training is more in depth and calls for a greater skill level by some, according to our reporters, they are treated in the Department as second class citizens. EMS workers in the past have been mostly Black and firefighters mostly white. Most firefighters do not want to work on ambulances or in EMS capacities; and their attitudes toward EMS workers is documented in the firefighters' website, It was documented again at a recent Public Safety hearing called by Councilmember Phil Mendelson, which can be viewed online at It has been further reported to The Spook (and was earlier noted on the blog by E.R.AS.E.) about some of the elements of testimony by Mr. Chinua Walker of Medic #4, at 1:45:55 into the video, when he speaks about misdeeds (unethical behavior, citizens dying for failure to properly evaluate), names firefighters who are on a blacklist by the head of internal affairs at 1:49:44 into the video, firefighters on the Fire Boat who cannot swim and members assigned to rescue squads who do not have EMT cards.
It was alleged to The Spook Who Sits By the Door, that Sergeant Theresa Shanklin, reportedly one of the only Certified DOH Instructors, also certified in ACLS and CPR, at the Training Academy, has been experiencing harassment since she testified about the Department's deficiencies in training before then-Councilmember Kathy Patterson's committee in 2004. She warned the committee that she would be retaliated against. Nearly a year-and-a-half later, her words came true when she was called into her supervisor's office, Chief Willis who has since been transferred, and told that in three days she would be put back into operations, removing her from her training position. She fought this removal and used her rights to FOIA - Freedom of Information Act - the cause for her removal. When she found that the excuse for transferring her out of her job was being charged with "refusing to teach ALS (Advanced Life Support)", Sgt. Shanklin filed an EEO claim through DCFD. Their EEO officer, Ms. Hutchinson, found that Sgt. Shanklin had no claim and advised her to go to the Office of Human Rights. Human Rights then gave Shanklin a letter stating the Agency didn't mean to discriminate against her, therefore she had no right to sue. Sgt. Shanklin then obtained an attorney and filed an appeal which goes to court on September 12, 2008, where she and E.R.A.S.E. expect her to be victorious.
Meanwhile, Sgt. Shanklin continues to hold her head high and stand up against the nearly daily harassment she experiences at the hands of paramedic Training Coordinator Dave Stamey, a former Flight Medic at Washington Hospital Center, which are the only qualifications known to the Spook - a FOIA will soon help us to know more - who was brought in on the heels of the Rosenbaum case. [It has been alleged that Stamey, who lives in Virginia, comes to work late EVERY DAY, stating that he does not want to deal with the traffic were he to arrive on time!] While Stamey holds the title of Training coordinator, he does not teach and demonstrates that he believes his principle job is to run things, it has been alleged.
Stamey stole Sgt. Shanklin's notes where she had been documenting the persistent disrespect she had been experiencing at his hands. When a firerfighter, Natalie Overton, was later brought in to assist with CPR training and requested supplies, she received them shortly thereafter when Shanklin had yet to receive hers. When Sgt. Shanklin then asked why her request for supplies pertaining to EMS training had not yet been met and wanted to also get them, she was put on charges for failing to follow the chain of command - The Spook repeats, Captain Ford put Sgt. Shanklin on charges for asking Captain Schaefer, who was in charge of equipment, about getting her equipment!
It has been alleged that Sgt. Shanklin had initiated a remedial training class that had realized some success in improving the passing rate of trainees for EMT Certification, an initiative that was supported by Deputy Fire Chief Paul Jones. Her former supervisor Deputy Fire Chief Jeffries, who is now at Grimke, had been non-supportive of the remedial class, stating that the trainees could "just read on their own". It has been further alleged that Dr. Williams, Medical Director of the Fire and EMS Department, who is also full-time at Howard University Hospital and was on duty when Rosenbaum was brought in to the Emergency Room to be seen, has never been to the Training Academy to review or observe the training program.
The Spook further plans to deal with the exploits of Training Instructors Dickey and Murphy, who have been alleged to have patted a female instructor on her rear in front of the class, walked into the classroom in underwear and tee shirt, and referred to a class of mostly Black trainees as "monkeys". As you can see, the Spook has been verrrrry busy.
Members of class 355, 356 and 357 met with Councilmember Mendelson, as arranged by Union 36 boss Dan Dugan, where the outrageous and unlawful escapades of the training academy were discussed. It was suggested at that meeting that if the instructors were not certified to teach, they are also not certified to flunk, and therefore, more money, more money and more money of the DC taxpayers will be drained by lawsuits to come. One question that the Spook has asked is With all of these problems in the Fire Department, the Schools, Child and Family Services, the Health Department, Chief Financial Officer (remember the missing $40 million) and others, Who is in Charge of the City? and Who Should Be Responsible? The Spook has already said that he /she does NOT want to hear The Devil Made me Do It!
E.R.A.S.E. recognizes that the problems that have been discussed on this blog are class-based, and that racism, sexism, homophobism, cronyism and other isms are ideas and deeds that have been used to divide and conquer workers, making it difficult for them to get a handle on the fact that the struggle is truly between the haves and the have nots. E.R.A.S.E. only wants the services that we pay for and work very hard to deliver and have delivered, to be shared with the community with the love, care, compassion, empathy, efficiency, thoroughness, etcetera; with the vision that we want to make this a better world than the one we have found ourselves. This will take all of us - white, black, brown, red, yellow, blue and green; men and women; short and tall; thin or thick; straight, curly or kinky hair; gay or straight; old or young; foreign or native-born; of all religions - to make this a better world.
Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department: May 1st Rally
Elevate-The-Soul Online Radio (Rick Tingling-Clemmons Interview on Racism Included)
Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-An Update
Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb Part1
Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb - Part 2
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Nothing Less
It's funny that the academy is still performing that circus. I remember a white Lt. thats was assigned there addressed my class as Black Mother F------s. It was not until we was about to address the chief that he even thought of apologizing. I know that racism doesn't exist amongst all caucasions, but you cannot make excuses for the ones who choses to display it.
Is this the same BFC who filed a reverse discrimination charges against a black Lt. at T-3 when he was a F/F? The same Lt. who got him into the leave bank when he had no sick leave after a off duty car accident? The Lt. who a white F/F said had it not been for that Lt. his black behind would not have got a penny to take care of his family. Wait till I tell him about that CLOWN when I see him in N.C.
"SGT" Shanklin is a fucking idiot, who couldn't distinguish her ass from a hole on the ground. Fuck you and all your group.
Post your racist comment's on that!
Man this stuff is funny as hell and pretty entertaining, I am all for everybody being equal. Everytime a black is diciplined the first word that is cried is racism, you guys really should investigate some of these allegations that are being spread because I'm sure you aren't getting the whole story. Have you asked any other possible witnesses about any of these allegations about the training academy (I.E. white recruits)? Probably not, they would only lie anyway, right? I also think it is pretty stupid to use a racist name like "the spook" as your name, way to keep racism alive.
Where were your suggestion when the book was authored. I guess the author was racist too! If indeed racism does not play apart of the desparity. What logical reason do you have to support your claim. It's easy to complain on any matter when it doesn't affect you. But I see that no else has anything enlightning to say that share your view. If the story is not complete, by all means, educate us readers on the specifics. I have seen alot of name calling, but I haven't seen anyone deny the actions or incidents described.
FYI Recruit Class has the nickname of "Carrier Monkeys" because of the out break of STAFF infections. And the class had t shirts printed up with the class motto. It had NOTHING to do about racism
The term "Carrier Monkey" was given to Recruit Class 355 by me, Sgt. John Van Hagen, Lead Instructor. The reason I nicknamed the Class The Carrier Monkeys was due to the fact that the class had several bouts of Staph Infections, Flu, Common Colds,etc., you name it they caught it!! the nickname caught on and not one Recruit was ever offended by it!! The class even used a cartoon character that is seen on "the Family Guy" as its logo, (the evil monkey). I even explained how I "coined" the phrase Carrier Monkey at the Class graduation ceremony in front of the Mayor, Fire Chief, Assistant Chiefs, Deputys, and the entire class' Family!! Not one person was offended. The entire class had T-shirts printed up with the class logo, (the evil monkey wearing a fire helmet with the class number 355) The class took pride in the name Carrier Monkey. They even presented gifts to all Training Staff members with the Carrier Monkey logo on them.
I would like to clear the names of Sgt. Murphy and Inst. Dickey on this subject, never did these two instructors refer to this this class as Monkeys but Carrier Monkeys and it was not to a group of Black Recruits, but to the entire Class. There was NEVER a tone of Racism emphasised!! EVER!! It sickens me when a harmless Nickname is construed as being Racial in nature or Darwinistic.
I normally don't answer threads, but in this case I had to, in defense of Recruit Class 355, Sgt. Murphy, and Instructor Dickey.
- John Van Hagen
Training Academy
So you are now instructor Baboon. How dare you give out names and you declare that they are harmless. You insult people and you tell them that they are not insulted. We know about this because apparently everyone did not find your insensitive and racist remarks flattering. That’s one of the real problems with the ignorance of racist. Its clear to me that your education and sensitivity as an instructor and as a fellow American is extremely limited. We truly would like to thank you for coming forward, in letting us and whole world know that some have taken your insult with a smile. Yes, there are all kinds of people who would accept this level of insensitivity and you as an accepted name caller (in both the black and white communities), but personally some of your recruits, the community at large and I find your comment reprehensible. I am sure that we can find qualified people to teach our recruits, those who do not use the Family Guy as intellectual and quotable material/heroes. For your information Family Guy is seen by a good number of people in our community (especially those who are educated) as an ignorant buffoon, who is about as educated as a rock. This should help everyone see the problems of white supremacy, because you can practice these maniacal ideas and feel as though you have done our world a favor. Derogatory name-calling to people anywhere is derogatory name calling to people everywhere. Your attempts to get Murphy (lying on a official report) and Dickey’s insulting rants to recruits did not help…. To think that you are the lead instructor. I am sure we taxpayers can do far better than this.
I'm sure you sat in on one of the training sessions provided on diversity, racism and/or oppression. Did you not forget that one word to one person means something totally different than another. In the midst of your rationalization, minimization, justification and I can only imagine - falsification you neglect to understand the difference between intent and impact. You might be able to tell "jokes" around some of your own people but that does not may it right and it is certainly not right in public, as a supposed leader, as a respecter of one of the most diverse communities within a 50 mile radius. What the heck are you thinking. OWN IT! DON"T MOAN IT! I would suggest to you that if you chose to further understand racism, micro-inequities and the daily indignities that our community citizens experience in many walks of life...they certainly depend upon you to set higher standards. As for using Family Guy, you may have well used the Simpsons or Don Rickles. I can only imagine that "you just don't get it" and because you said it in front of the public officials...what does that say about them...that they too cannot understand the difference between intent and impact? Perhaps their ignorance runs deeper than yours. I've done training with you all and know of some of the stories. If you would have made a comment about someones sexual orientation, weight, ethnicity, age or a host of other would be called on the carpet. Does it mean that we have to walk around on egg shells...NO SIR! Use the 3-second pause...think before you speak. As a quote once said, "Although others may think you are ignorant, don't open your mouth and remove the doubt." Learn and move on...the cover up will only get you deeper in. I hope you understand! SWRMF
You people kill me. You will use anything to get ahead in life except working for it.
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