Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department: May 1st Rally

Elevate-The-Soul Online Radio (Rick Tingling-Clemmons Interview on Racism Included)

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-An Update

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb Part1

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb - Part 2

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


It was suggested by an earlier commenter that if E.R.A.S.E. wanted to know about people being set on fire, we should check on Pete Pearson. If anyone knows about Pete Pearson, please email E.R.A.S.E. at, or comment further via the blog. Your anonymity will be safe with E.R.A.S.E. blog hosts

Furthermore, the Spook would suggest that Chief Schaeffer – who has already crossed the line in violating the Fire Department’s own rules and regulations – should slow down if not halt his harassment of Captain Vanessa Coleman.

[Not to mention, he should be the LAST person to go after anyone for improprieties on a test, given that his own family member had problems in this area, and not too long ago!]

Pretty soon he will begin to look like the Emperor with no Clothes.

Also if anyone wants to question the validity of the Kentland lawsuit, do what E.R.A.S.E. did and call the PG County law clerk for verification. The case number is Circuit Court of Maryland case #Cal-07-14623. E.R.A.S.E checks all of its stories, and to those of you who have been threatening suit, you too can be sued for threatening suit, obstructing justice, and attempting to intimidate with your threats.

The Spook has also learned that Councilmember Phil Mendelson has begun an extensive inquiry into the business of the Training Academy. E.R.A.S.E. takes its hat off to Mr. Mendelson and any other person who joins us in wanting to make Washington, DC and its agencies the best in the country! It is up to all of us, no matter our race, creed, gender or religion, to begin the arduous task of cleaning house, and recognizing that racism breeds mediocrity; that brings down all of our standards and the quality of life for ALL of us.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you guys should check your facts before you post online or print up little flyers with all kinds of lies and misinformation. You guys are fucking morons.

I dont necessarily like Mr. Stamey. But I will post this...

Registered Emergency Medical Personnel
The following EMS personnel matched the search information that you provided.

The search results represent a list of names of individuals who possess national registration at the First Responder, EMT-Basic, EMT-Intermediate, and/or Paramedic level. These results do not necessarily represent the current city/state where the individual lives or works. You should verify the search results and the current certification status of the individual in question with the appropriate state EMS licensing/certification agency.

To contact a specific state EMS licensing/certification agency, click here.

Displaying 1 to 1 of 1
Name Residence
Stamey, David M. Potomac, MD
Displaying 1 to 1 of 1

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Anonymous said...

Its good to hear that Mr Mendelson is looking into the training academy. Now he will see that your blog is full of lies. A few of the other city council members have also been made aware of the unprovoked character assasinations of the white members of this department that have been brought about by this blog.

Anonymous said...

Is Mr stamey is certified put his NREmt card on the screen so everyone can see it.

Anonymous said...

DC resident said...
Is Mr stamey is certified put his NREmt card on the screen so everyone can see it.

you dont need to put his card on the site. IF you just took your head out of your ass and go to and click on "check the status" you will see that he holds an NREMT card.

Anonymous said...

This fellow may hold a card in National Registry, but just like EMT certification, you cannot instruct if you do no thold an Emt Instructors card. Does this officer possess an Instructors card for National Registry? You ca have a card to perform a certain skill, but you cannot teach it unless you have the proper certification card. It's the same with CPR. Who ever made the earlier post should know this. The card/credential is specific. If you are going to make a point please be clear about it becuase your defense looks elementary.

Anonymous said...

DC resident are you willing to put your license and personal information on here as well?
Your right there is alot of things going on at the training academy that arent right nor fair. Lets start with the Unification of the EMS workers now allowed to cross over and become one big happy family. You want to talk about the safety of the citizens and visitors of the Nations Capitol. The only reason why this has been allowed is because of the Rosenbaum incident. And the EMS workers that have crossed over are being pushed through the fire academy whether they can perform the exercises or not. All to prove a point to the Rosenbaum family that were all one now. These people include both sexes of black and white color. Some of these people are 50 plus years old who have no business riding a fire truck due to the physical nature of the job. I have witnessed on the job some of the EMS crossovers do exceptionally well, but they are the few. When im on a firetruck i need to count on every single person to carry there weight and perform there job. If I have a person who crossed over because of the schedule and benefits, they become a hazard to me and my crew. Many of these people have clearly made there intentions known because ive heard it from them directly that there not going into a burning building. Great!! Is it there fault? One would think it is, but it isnt. Fault Mr. Rubin for letting this practice happen and get way out of hand. He sat there with Mayor Fenty at the podium when they announced what a great day this is for DCFEMS, that were finally one big happy family. What a crock of doo doo.

Anonymous said...

You crying over spill milk now clean the shit up that was in the past don't be mad because people want a better life for them and their family just like you do to so don't knock them. When the things was happening why you didn't say anything. Everybody in that Rosenbaum case had something to do with from the police to the fire and ems person and the nurse. So if the things at the training academy is unfair then fix that shit. And if the person on your truck is scare then help them get over yall got an dangerous job. People is so scare if they fight if something happen to them wouldn't you want someone help you white or black wrong is wrong. fix all that shit is wrong and fix it and stop complaining.

Anonymous said...

You should try to review your post before you post it. Its like trying to understand a different language. First off a career as a firefighter isnt something you wake up out of bed and say hey i wanna be a firefighter. Most dont research the job and treat it like working at retail store. Your right it is a dangerous job at times, but if you have gotten out of the training academy and you are on my fire truck and are afraid to go into a burning building, then you my friend should have quit while in the training academy and said this isnt for me. Its one thing when the rookie arrives at the firehouse and is apprehensive and nervous. There is always something you can help them with to do the job better. Heck we all can learn something new everytime we come to work. So its not a matter of fear its a matter of ones attitude. So you totally misunderstood when I meant there are people that will flat out tell you that point blank im not going in. It has zero to do with fear of the flames. And its not a matter of helping them at that point. Its there own attitude that they have because they took the job for the wrong reasons right from the beginning when they crossed over. They knew exactly what they were doing. You dont say i wanna make a better life for myself so ill take a career in the fire service that will pay me well and ill have lots of days off. Well each person on the firetruck has a specific task to do when you go to a fire. How would you like, if the person that was responsible to rescue you( as you say the one who wanted a better life) out of your bedroom where you were trapped and failed to accomplish that because they had no intentions of going inside from the beginning. So stop making it a black or white issue. Educate yourself on the fire service in general. Go talk to people currently on the job and those that have retired. You will get a better perspective of what its like to be a firefighter. I know it will be hard for you, but try to look at every situation in full and not look at color as the one and only reason for everything.

Anonymous said...

Man you have to realized people is not going to feel the way you do about the fire department hertiage. they don't care about that, if they say i'm not going in their then fuck it do want you have to do then to save my life or anyone's else life, you can't worry about know one else just do your job. It's not about race with me i get along with everybody. i just want people do what's right man that's all. everyone has a opinion, that's mine i don't run anything on this blog i just read it and gave my opinion. Then that person need to go do something else. i didn't say it was a black or white thing you did, anybody would do that. It's just that people is lazy. Good luck on your job. I always hear about this Dennis Rubin is he doing a good job to you and don't lie. cause some say he don't.

Anonymous said...

What's going on down at the training academy is it true.

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