Sources have informed the Spook that within the last month, on at least three separate occasions, Deputy Chief Bloom and Battalion Chief Robert Schaefer have purposely understaffed Captain Coleman’s company Engine 21 (which protects Adams Morgan) with under-qualified personnel to drive and operate her fire truck. It’s been reported that the traditional practice of the DC Fire Department has always been to backfill a regular driver technician (when absent from duty) with an equally qualified driver technician, even if they have to pay another technician overtime to come in to work in the vacancy on their day off. The secondary, more economic option available is for the Deputy and the Battalion Chief to search out from among their on-duty personnel a qualified and experienced member who is capable of handling the demands of driving.
Engine and Truck technicians or those acting in their stead must:
· Be familiar with that particular firehouse district;
· Be able to respond to the correct address of where the emergency is, accurately;
· Be expert and efficient in operating that particular piece of apparatus;
· Be knowledgeable on how to troubleshoot mechanical problems that may arise when the engine is supplying water to hoselines on a major fire call.
Contrary to this operational practice, Chief Robert Schaefer has endeavored to staff Captain Coleman with Caucasian probationary firefighters to be in charge of driving the engine. Not only were they unfamiliar with Engine 21’s district, they were also inexperienced with operating and maneuvering the apparatus efficiently. This you would expect, for they are still “rookies” themselves!!!
Now, this is not rocket science – especially to all of you who know how the game is played; in the event of a fire, what is the likelihood of having an overall efficient outcome having two probationers on the back step of the engine, and a probationary driver who works alone, is unsure and under-skilled operating the engine? Sounds like premeditated grounds for disaster, which is what these “commanding chiefs” are wishing for! All the while, the three “unwise men” have jeopardized the safety of our DC citizens, just to play out their games. And they’re certainly not concerned about the safety and welfare of their own troops - Captain Coleman, or her two back step probationers. Could it be perhaps because they’re all black? Do you get it?!! RACISM or, as the kids say on the street, ‘They be Hatin’ for real !!’
The Spook has also learned that Captain Coleman cited Chiefs Schaefer, Bloom and Schultz for inappropriately placing her company out of service twice, for hours at a time, so that she could speedily type up reports concerning trivial infractions. Since submitting this correspondence through her chain of command, and to the Disciplinary Compliance section (which is supposed to provide assistance to officers reporting disciplinary infractions). In return/reprisal, Captain Coleman has since been reprimanded and restricted by Chief Schultz from reporting any further infractions observed of her superior commanders. Ha-Ha! In fact, Chief Schultz directed Captain Coleman to only report all infractions to Chief Schaefer. Now, audience, just how far do you think this mockery model of accountability enforcement will go? Sounds like an organized execution to the Spook! ERASE will continue to investigate and publicize – TELLING IT JUST LIKE IT IS, CALLING A SPADE A SPADE…ORGANIZED CRIME!
We are yet pleased to report that in all of this, Captain Coleman continues to remain vigilant and resilient in her efforts to manage the unmanageable “operations” which should be getting managed by her commanders. Captain Coleman has managed to function well despite the lack of competent staffing and official support. A true and dedicated soldier! ERASE is glad to know that there are some people who, against all odds, truly commit themselves to the mission of protecting and serving our DC citizens. ERASE, and so many others, want to thank Captain Coleman for not wavering; for instead remaining persistent and true to her duties in the valiant fight to abolish RACISM and SEXISM in the DC Fire Department.
Post on Thursday: ALERT!!!ALERT!!!ALERT!!!ALERT!!!
ERASE has just learned that Captain Coleman has been involuntarily detailed until further notice from her assigned company, Engine 21, in Adams Morgan. ERASE has long been expecting this move, and now, at last, ERASE and other official monitors recognize this as another step in the upper command’s attempt to retaliate and professionally execute Captain Coleman, and to deter her in her pursuit to demand management accountability, equal justice and opportunity. The Spook ventures to ask, “Is there any intelligence which resides in the office of the Fire Chief?” “If so, would you please STAND UP?!?” The Spook would really like to know, “will the DC Fire Department have any money left over to even fund the operational expense budget after they’ve been wiped clean from the many lawsuits which are currently being filed against them?” It sounds like they enjoy giving away FREE [DC taxpayers’] money.
If you have a credible story to share with ERASE which involves any form of managerial impropriety, mismanagement of funds, resources, human rights, nepotism, cronyism, we want to hear from you by emailing us at Your comments will only be posted on the blog upon your written consent.
Remember: Once you know right, do right; and by all means DEMAND right!!!
Stay tuned for the Spook's explanation about the impossibility of a person of color being racist...
This blog is funny as hell, everything is always against the black man and woman, first of all if Coleman hadn't harrassed and run off her regular wagon driver, she wouldn't have to worry about rookies driving her, second the department doesn't have to fill tech spots with technicians otherwise technicians would make out in overtime, and that wouldn't be fair to people that aren't technicians, so your theory on customary practices of technicians automaticly getting the overtime is not accurate, just like most everything else on this site. I also like how you asked for other "credible stories" as if any of the stories on here are credible. Funny stuff
It's funny how people keep trying to downplay certain events like they never exisited or happened. Buy when the shit hits the fan or heads start rolling nobody has anything to say about it. A true admission of guilt. Put your money where your mouth is. This blame game is old. It's not all about race, but you look futher as to the right and the wrong and who is actually at the source. Tell me what you see.
I am the firefighter that was detailed to E-21. I am not a probationer nor am I unsure and under-skilled in driving the apparatus. I have 6 years apparatus driving experience.
A simple check of the dispatch times and apparatus arrival times would prove that all calls E-21 responded to, E-21 arrived on scene within an acceptable amount of time given our location, traffic, and speed. Furthermore the filling of an absent wagon driver with another technician is false as well. E-20 went without a wagon driver for several months and the position was filled by myself and another back step firefighter, not a Technician. I am fully qualified and comfortable driving and operating the apparatus to say different is simply not true. I do not appreciate being portrayed as an incompetent, under-skilled, and unsure wagon driver in order to further someone else’s agenda. I did exactly what i was supposed to do. I successfully made it to all runs and operated the wagons pump under no supervision during drill on the day I was detailed. The information you are posting is false and to take one persons opinion call it factual is completely ignorant. You investigative skills are seriously lacking, so maybe you should learn to dig a little harder for the truth before posting opinion as fact.
nothing like hearing the truth right from the source huh...When i was on probation i was detailed clear across the city to drive E21. though i was unfamiliar with the area i was familiar with operating the apparatus. The officer assigned to E21 was familiar with the area as are most officers and if there was somewhere i was unfamiliar with he directed me right to the correct adress.
Maybe Capt Coleman should learn her own assigned area since she is overall responsible for the entire crew. Its funny how people promoted as officers based only on a written exam fail miserably when having to perform there jobs practically on the streets. And one fails to do there job like she did on the Adams Morgan fire were quick to throw in the race card. because of her critical mistake on that fire she is lucky noone was killed. And by the way whether your a technician or not it is still your responsibility to know your district so when the regular technician is off the backstep people drive. You could have easily brought a technician in to drive, but that doesnt mean he knows where he is going over the next person. wheres the terminator because i think erase needs to be erased
If the fire dept. has zero tolerance how come they tolerate zeros.
i think yous guys all need to get a life outside the all sound like a couple of pink skirts...crabing i guess the closest youll get to wearing your skirts is on the job in your short shorts. how sweet.
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