It was suggested by the Rosenbaum Task Force that drivers should not drive for more than 24 hours straight. Fire Fighter/EMT Dept Order Book Article 24-5, Sec. 8, No. 4, requires ambulances to return to their fire house after each call.
Back to the Wild Ones - Drag Racing on Southern Avenue in Ambulances #19 and #33 was discovered by the Fire Fighter/EMT Department Tracking System and recently reported by both Channel 7 and Channel 5 News!
Demo and Rally
The Spook wants to report that one dozen firefighters, community people and clergy demonstrated in front of the Union Hall at 23rd and Bladensburg Road, NE, for two hours on Wednesday, July 23rd. The goal was to call attention to the question frequently raised by its members, "Where is the Union?", resulting from the fact that in spite of the many complaints firefighters have raised of unfair treatment by the Fire Department Administration, the union's response has been negligible at best. Both Channel 7 and WPFW Radio interviewed a community person and a firefighter. These interviews appeared on their newscasts later that day. Nearly 500 hundred flyers were passed out to motorists and pedestrians stopping at the stoplights at 3 nearby intersections.
E.R.A.S.E.'s concerns about the working class' historical fight against those who would exploit them made it hard to expose the Union as one of the culprits, given that under the present DC Administration there is little to no Union support and the Councilmember who has oversight gets his support from the Union, creating a real dilemma for our valiant, selfless firefighters.
Please stay tuned - the Spook is planning to do a treatise about Racism being equivalent to Terrorism - from its colonial beginnings to the present day; and how there is no doubt that racism and how it is acted out should be seen as a hate crime. [And we thought the U.S. Enemy #1 was Al-Quaeda! Why not include white supremacists, our own local, home-grown terrorists?]
The War on Terrorism has yet to be fought!!!
I wonder if they are going to show some fairness now on how thaey deliver the adverse actions. I can understand that A-33 could serve some hours for being out of bounds of their area. But for A-10 to be missing for seven hours that's unexplainable. That's five hours short of a whole shift.
you people sure do get your facts wrong. the units where tracked. Ambulance 10 was in service but not in their area. They went to a slow area hoping where calls are few and far between. Ambulance 33 on the other hand out of service waaay up Wisconsin Ave. The only people resonsible are the ones who knowingly drove to that part of town. Nobody made them go there. They made a choice to do this.
The same as A-10. A-33 was in service as well, but in delayed status. They was not trying to DUCK CALLS for seven hours. They didn't even receive any calls while on the "air." What justification are you trying to make?
Hmmmm ares ya telling mes dat uh negro paramedic refused ta enter uh residence cuz o' uh lil pussy? Iz feel dis here iz worse then da whiteys "hiding" in norf west on da ambalance. The negro paramedic wuz uh poon-tang when it came ta seeing uh lil pussy? Does dis here not fall under da guidelines o' failing ta perform yo' duty. No doubt, da person dat died wuz uh negro. Once ag'in da negro race commiting they own genocide.
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