Tonight, this Monday, August 4th at 10:00 pm, the DCFD recruits will be featured on Channel 5!!! Call friends, supporters, family, all you can reach and ask them to watch!
ALSO, Correction and apologies to anyone who listened out for Captain Vanessa Coleman this morning on WPFW, we got that date wrong - she will be on that same segment on WPFW-FM radio, 89.3 on your dial, this Wednesday, August 6th on Metro Watch with Gloria Minott.
Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department: May 1st Rally
Elevate-The-Soul Online Radio (Rick Tingling-Clemmons Interview on Racism Included)
Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-An Update
Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb Part1
Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb - Part 2
Monday, August 4, 2008
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Nothing Less
I can't wait to hear their story. I know the Training Academy has problems. I wonder what theyare up to now.
Way to tell all of the stories ERASE. Your racism shows everytime you fail to mention one of "your own"
UPPER MARLBORO, Md. -- A man convicted in the slayings of two grandmothers who worked at a Suitland flower shop was been sentenced to two life sentences without parole.
Adam Neal was found guilty in May of two counts of first-degree murder and two counts of robbery with a deadly weapon.
Mary McDonald and Madeline Thompson were 76 years old and 73 years old, respectively, when they were slain at the flower shop in September 2003. Each was stabbed several times.
Police said the motive for the slayings was robbery.
Prosecutors said at the time of the slayings, Neal had lost his job with the D.C. Fire Department and then was evicted from his apartment.
Almost three years after their deaths, DNA evidence linked Neal to the crime. Prosecutors said Neal stole McDonald's car and threw bloodstained keys, a T-shirt and a jacket in a trash bin. Authorities said DNA of the victims and Neal were found on the items.
Stay with News4 and for more information.
He was an innocent young man that was fired wrongfully, if he hadn't been fired he wouldn't have turned to a life of crime, so in an essense, if the racism of the DCFD hadn't fired him, he would still be a fine young man. Way to bring him down, racists.
thats weird because pleanty of white men have been innocent but fired from the DCFD and NONE of them have shot 2 old women and stole a car. what do you have to say about that spook? and why was this never reported on the website?
Why did he get fired? It's funny, a black man could get on national TV, kill 30 people and scum like ERASE would be right behind him telling us what a good god-fearing christian he was....pathetic...when are blacks going to stop using the race card as a meal ticket?
It is really funny how many of you weigh in on certain issues but not others. I believe he got what he deserves for this crime but his actions for this has nothing to do with his removal from the dept. Anyone working with dc fire and ems department that doesn't think there is a race problem is only closing there eyes to it because they are not being discriminated against. There are a lot of things going on within this department that is racially motivated and it is only building a bigger rift between members. I can only sum it up like this when you walk into that firehouse and you are the only white firefighter you feel uncomfortable. That feeling of uncomfort is what black people live every day. I'm angry and hostile as a black firefighter but a white firefighter acting in the same manner is blowing off steam. I just ask all the critics of this department to take a day and look at how things are handled when firefighters are disciplined and if you can tell me that there are no biases in the treatment of black firefighters as apposed to white firefighters. Then come with fact that it is not and i for one will quickly change my mind about the discriminitory tactics of this dept and upper management
Well put
Poor Mr. Neal....Yeah where were you ERASE to defend this young innocent mand when the fire dept was trying to terminate him. Where were you after he was terminated. Did you try to help him. Probably not. Its just easier to say he was a victim of racism. Go tell those poor ladies families your bring me to tears story how Mr Neal fell victim to racism in the fire dept. The department and the cadet program needs to be tightened up a tad so loose screws like Neal dont wind up getting the oppurtunity to have a respectable career as that of a firefighter. If you lived the hood life months prior to becoming a cadet then maybe you should find another career path..Well boo's career is set for him. Hmmm think ill request him when i order my special license plates to be made.
I will not defend Mr Neal for the terrible thing he has done but you are either ignorant to what is going on in the dc fire department or you are part of the problem. The union and the management of the dc fire department is trying to erase all black firefighters from the department with made up frivolous charges. I guess the psych exam couldn't weed out the officer who assaulted two of his subordinates or the officer who urinated on a member while intoxicated and maybe figure out the numerous assault charges and drunk driving charges on several of its members. What you don't understand this blog is not an attack on the fire department but an attack on racism. It is obvious that you can't comprehend that because you are probably part of the problem and you are benefitting from the racist regime of local and dc fire dept.
I agree with some things that you have said, but disagree that the entire regime is trying to rid all black fireman from the DC Fire Dept. That is a very close minded statement. Maybe if there were stricter guidelines in the hiring process like a polygraph test, then people like Mr. Neal wouldnt have gotten an oppurtunity in the first place to work for the dept. Someone who goes out and murders 2 women either had a history of criminal behavior or plain behavioral problems.
Now I dont disagree with you that there are people in the department that get hidden under the radar for things any white or black fireman would do. The Chief of the department wrecked his take home vehicle that had 10 grand in damage to it. Did he get punished. Of course not. We get into an accident and we will be punished whether its our fault or not.
I think the people in the department that are always in trouble or fail to do there job because they are lazy and dont perform very well, but come payday there really happy. People like this need to take responsibility for there own actions because there being held accountable. Just because the person handing down the punishment is white doesnt make it racism. You might be assigned to a firehouse where and officer looks out for you which is rare nowadays for anyone, but allows fireman x to sleep and do whatever he feels like. This officer then gets promoted and now fireman x has a new officer who is by the book and holds his members accountable because he is responsible for them. Say this officer wont let fireman x sleep or do whatever he wants to do and does hold him accountable to perform like is expected. Fireman x now is disgruntled because he cant be a lazy POS so now because the officer is white and fireman x is black it now becomes racism. Theres alot of people white and black that fall into fireman x's category.
If you are a victim of racism then take the proper steps and file a complaint with the EEOC and then they can decide if racism is the reason. If you lay down and let the department walk all over you and then complain racism then you my friend have no sympathy from me. The average person thinks because maybe there on the low end of the chain that they have to take it from the ones on the top, but you too have rights if your are being treated wrongly. And if your being retaliated against because of your complaint, your still protected.
Like i said i agree with you that the department has alot of problems and maybe racism is one of them. I dont believe for one minute that there goal is to rid all black people from the dept. And by the way im not part of the regime, and as a white caucasian male I do know what its like to be a victim of racism. I know my rights and know how to take the proper steps to hold the people accountable for there actions.
You've GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!!! I just amazed at this city.. the first thing that always come out of everyone's mouth is RACISTS this the white man is always after a "brother"... well guess what.. get your uneducated heads out of the clouds... it's NOT ALWAYS ABOUT COLOR!!!!! most of the time it's the actions... Wanna hear the break down of DCFD!!!!!
Black females get away with not doing a FUCKING thing on this job!!!! but you never hear about that do you????
GET OFF THE RACE CARD DO YOUR FUCKING JOB and you shouldn't have a thing to worry about!!! huh???
First let me start by saying that it was a bad choice of words to say that the department is trying to get rid of all black firefighters but once again you miss the point that Im trying to make because of the lack of guidelines that the department has for discipline in which two people with the same charges and same disciplinary history gets two different punishments. This process is wrong and how can you not scream racism when the majority of these actions are against black firefighters. It may be my opinion that most white fire officers are quicker to place a black firefighter on charges than they would a white firefighter for the same incident. But what ive noticed about black fire officers are more willing to put black firefighters on charges because they dont want to show favortism. I am one thats willing to take on any situation that comes my way and I dont take alot stuff from anyone but this leads to people feeling intimidated by my presence. I have been a very good firefigher and have been on many fires but i dont beat my chest about it because i do it to help the city in which i grew up in because my family still lives here. I think if you disagree with what this blog is doing comeback with some points and less bashing because whe all can agree to diagree.
Whatever the situation is no human being will ever agree on everything. Thats why this is called the comment section. Your right that punishment is different for whatever reason. There is no set standard of punishment in the department. Thats why most people who are facing disciplinary action make sure that they get or dont get what the other person got or didnt get. See we agree on that. Now if x amount of black fireman are facing charges and there getting different punishments, then take the appropiate actions to resolve what you believe is the problem. If you feel there is racism in the department, then take action against them by filing the charges with the EEOC. Then get an attorney if you feel it necessary.
One thing I hate in the department and im glad ive seen it in only a few officers that are black, is the vibe you get from them in the way they treat you as opposed to there own race. If you have been a victim of racism by a white or black person, dont take it out on the other people of the same race. Dont spread your hate, arrogance and ignorance because you believe a white or black person pissed on your cornflakes. Take action on the individual. I certainly did not grow up in a enviroment that was racist, therefore I look at each individual for what they are as a human being and not the color of there skin. Its my opinion that there are good, decent and honest people on this planet and there the ones who are the exact opposite. If a chinese guy told me to go play in traffic, i dont hold his whole race as being idiots. People as individuals need to take responsibility for there own actions when they get in trouble and not place the blame on this or that. If you are in trouble make sure you know the books so that your treated fairly and equally no matter who you are. If you dont do anything then complaining on this website, rallying with a handfull of people outside the union hall or grimke isnt going to do anything for your cause.
How come no one complained about the fire chief and the upper management of the department when we had a black fire chief? Many of the complaints of unequal discipline extend back to when Thompson and Few were the fire chiefs. How come ERASE didn't complain then about unequal treatment of blacks?
This new discipline system which is partially responsible for many of the disciplinary issues people have came into effect when Thompson was chief, but ERASE wasn't doing anything about that.
I'm not saying that there aren't issues with the disciplinary system that need to be addressed for all of the DCFD members, but this ERASE group sounds like their true issue is that they cannot accept that there is a white fire chief heading the DCFD. I guess if Thompson was still in charge or another black fire chief was leading the department the ERASE people would be silent like they were when these same allegations were going on under prior black fire chiefs.
What about the true minority of the DC Fire Department. The jewish firefighters. Where is our representation and equity?
Here is one for you. 30 Engine's area - a female African American Paramedic refuses to enter an apartment and help on a Medical because of a cat.
The patient is be attended to by FF- EMT's, all white, the patient dies in the apartment and has to be drug out to the Ambulance where the female African American Paramedic waits and then helps.
The patient dies. Who's the Racist. ERASE that. I will give you a hint, her name rhymes with Sticky Dance. I think her partners name rhymes with Skinua Walker.
You tell me. I can't wait for this to hit STATTER911.
how about the white female paramedeic at 9 engine #2 who completed her probation without a 140 and tells everyone she dosen't have to drive even when she's the only regular person working and heaven knows she ran and hid from soooo many fires and you talk about black females there are mor Black female officers and techs than there are white hell there's onlywhite female tech and we all know what she's good at so is the paramedic in question as well from what i hear
I know black females that have been assigned to companys for at least 10-15 years that can't drive apparatus so what's your point? What is the white female technician good at, passing an exam that black firefighters that have been there for years couldn't pass?
read what susan posted and you figure the point out
I don't care what anybody says race plays a major role on the DCFEMS dept.When it comes to discipline. White guy at 26 eng shows up late for work disrespects a black Capt . Capt types on him about what happened that was witnessed by other people the guy is detailed no trial board or anything. White officer hits 2 firefighters with a bowl knocking one out, permanatley damaging his eye and sending the other to the hospital to recieve 20 plus stitches in his head. He was demoted he recived a suspesion no trial board never lost any money. A black firefighter allegedly thratened a white firefighter while on the ambulance wittnessed by no one he is facing a trial board and possible termination if you can't see that type of behavior is wrong you are blind. The good ole boy system is still in effect. Susan there are people of all races on the job who don't do their job white black hispanic male and female. I've seen white females that aint worth a sh--t just like the paramedic that was mentonied above so i don't understand your point. Race is still a factor on this job. I can go on and on showing examples even when the same exact infraction was committed by two people one white and, one black. The black firefighter was fired and nothing was done too the white guy so can stop the b.s. that there is no racism on the job.
I would like to hear some examples of that.
I guess you would have posted this if he was white huh?
Case Number: 3O00036354Tracking No:081001557840
District Code: 04Location Code:01
Document Type: WARRANTIssued Date:08/19/2008
Case Status: ACTIVE
Defendant Information
Defendant Name: SNEED, TONY DALE
Sex: MHeight:600Weight:210DOB:04/17/1961
Address: 15703 GLASTONBURY WAY
City: UPPER MARLBOROState:MDZip Code:20774 - 0000
Court Scheduling Information
Trial Date: 09/22/2008Trial Time:01:00 PMRoom:01
Trial Location:200 DUKE STREET PRINCE FREDERICK20678-4136
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No: 001Description:RAPE SECOND DEGREE
Statute: CR.3.304Description:RAPE SECOND DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:2 1103MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 08/09/2008 To: 08/09/2008 Victim Age:
Charge No: 002Description:SEX OFFENSE THIRD DEGREE
Statute: CR.3.307Description:SEX OFFENSE THIRD DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:3 3600MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 08/09/2008 To: 08/09/2008 Victim Age:
Charge No: 003Description:ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
Statute: CR.3.203Description:ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:1 1415MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 08/09/2008 To: 08/09/2008 Victim Age:
Charge No: 004Description:SEX OFFENSE FOURTH DEGREE
Statute: CR.3.308Description:SEX OFFENSE FOURTH DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:4 3600MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 08/09/2008 To: 08/09/2008 Victim Age:
If you think whites and blacks are getting unequal punishments why not take the high road and decide not to F--- up. Its not hard.
1)come to work on time
2)just nod yes to the officer when he tells you to do something dumb.
3)dont fall asleep on watch.
4)dont hide out of your area whem detailed to an ems unit.
5)patronize the citizens and just give them a ride to the hospital even though you know they dont need to go.
6)dont sleep with co-workers
If you can follow these simple rules u will not get fired and never be treated unfairly because of color or any other reason. Collect that paycheck and be happy.
Whats hard about that.
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