Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department: May 1st Rally

Elevate-The-Soul Online Radio (Rick Tingling-Clemmons Interview on Racism Included)

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-An Update

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb Part1

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb - Part 2

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Spook has been busy again

The spook just uncovered that at engine 19, a Black firefighter ran over a rock slightly damaging the fire truck and was given an official reprimand (serious business), which was not his fault and clearly an accident. Several days later on his shift a white firefighter hit a parked car with a fire truck; he was given a 169 admonition (not serious business). The difference here is the type of objects the fire truck hits and of course the color of the firefighters. Shame…shame…shame...

The Spook also found out that the fire department's kangaroo court [better known as the Trial Board], which has been known for ganging up on firefighters with any number of witnesses against the firefighter, has recently stated that a firefighter can only bring three witnesses. This is not covered in the Firefighter's Red White and Blue books (these documents cover rules governing the responsibilities and actions of the fire department, the union and individual firefighters).

Nepotism gone amok...

The Schaefer family has five members in the Fire Department, ranging from Chiefs, to Captains to New Recruits. The new recruit did not pass the physical or mental portion of the Firefighter's training, but, unlike more than 28 black DC residents who have been recently tossed out of the Fire Department for not passing the same test, the family has protected this recruit and he is a firefighter today. We are saddened to report that it has been alleged to E.R.A.S.E. that the younger Schaefer, because of an accident, has some physical and mental challenges.


Anonymous said...

Because it's not by competence's by association.

Anonymous said...

Some more double standards. I guess these guys like learning the hard way.

Anonymous said...

I am suprised little Schaefer passed the psyche exam. Have you ever carried a conversation with him. It's a real trip. I would not trust little kids around him in privte. Can you image being recycled three times? From what I hear he never wanted to be a fireman. Talk about peer pressure...

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