Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department: May 1st Rally

Elevate-The-Soul Online Radio (Rick Tingling-Clemmons Interview on Racism Included)

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-An Update

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb Part1

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb - Part 2

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Breaking the Jaw of Racism by Shedding Light on the Ignorance that Maintains It

The purpose of the following two essays is to help our readership understand that there is only one race, and that is the Human Race - and that every ethnic group in the world in general and in the US in particular has made contributions. For those of you who were educated in America, this is a part of American history that you may have missed. All people on earth are descendants of Africans, proven by DNA research and currently being catalogued by National Geographic through its Genome Project, documented in Spencer Wells' "Journey of Man", available both in book and on DVD.

ERASE wants you to Enjoy and Learn!

[This information was found by Googling "Imagine a World Without Black People" based on some information that had been received in emails sent out broadly several years ago and represents an incomplete listing of the achievements of this group of people of a darker hue, direct descendants of African slaves, and often referred to as African-American or black.]

Essay 1:

What Would This World Be Like Without Our Contributions?

Submitted by: Kathryn Keys, Professional Development Committee

Author Unknown

In commemoration of Black History Month, this month's Information Topic will focus on the contributions of African Americans that shaped not only the development of our country, but also the rest of the world.

This is a story about a group of white people who were fed up with African Americans, so they joined together and decided to wish us away.

After wishing so hard, they found themselves in a sort of twilight zone where there was an America without Black people. At first these "visionaries" breathed a sigh of relief. At last, they say, no more crime, drugs, violence and welfare. All the Blacks have gone!! It makes you wonder… where would America be without us??

There were very few crops that flourished because the nation was built on a slave-supported system. There are no cities with tall skyscrapers because Alexander Miles, a Black man, invented the elevator and without it one finds great difficulty reaching high floors.

There were few if any cars because Richard Spikes, a black man, invented the automatic gear shift, Joseph Gammel, also Black, invented the supercharge system for internal combustion engines, and Garrett A. Morgan, also Black, invented the traffic signals. Furthermore, one could not use the rapid transit system because its precursor was the electric trolley, which was invented by another Black man, Elbert R. Robinson. Even if there were streets on which cars and a rapid transit system could operate, they were cluttered with paper because an African American, Charles Brooks invented the street sweeper.

There were few if any newspapers, magazines and books because John Love, a Black man, invented the pencil sharpener, William Purvis, yes another Black man, invented the fountain pen, Lee Burridge, invented the typewriting machine and W.A. Lovette invented the advanced printing press. They were all Black.

Even if Americans could write their letters, articles and books, they would not have been transported by mail because William Barry invented the postmarking and canceling machine, William Purvis invented the handstamp and Philip Downing invented the letter drop.

The lawns were brown and wilted because Joseph Smith invented the lawn sprinkler and John Burr, the lawn mower. Their homes were also filthy because Thomas W. Stewart invented the mop and Lloyd P. Ray the dustpan. When they entered their homes, they found them to be poorly ventilated and heated. You see, Frederick Jones invented the air conditioner and Alice Parker the heating furnace.

Their children met them at the door barefooted, shabby, motley and unkempt. But what could one expect, Jan E. Matzelinger invented the shoe machine, Walter Sammons invented the comb, Lydia O. Newman invented the brush, Sarah Boone invented the ironing board and George T. Samon invented the clothes dryer.

Finally, they were resigned to at least have dinner amidst all of this turmoil. But here again, the food had spoiled because another Black man, John Standard invented the refrigerator. No light to eat their spoiled food because the filament within the light bulb was invented by a black man.


Essay 2:

Black History Month: Imagine If There Were No Black People in the World

Last Reviewed:

By Makebra Anderson

One morning, a little boy named Theo woke up and asked his mother, "Mom, what if there were no Black people in the world?"

His mother thought about that for a moment, and then said, "Son, follow me around today and lets just see what it would be like if there were no Black people in the world. Now go get dressed and we will get started.”

Theo ran to his room to put on his clothes and shoes. His mother took one look at him and said, "Theo, where are your shoes? Son, I must iron your clothes. Why are they so wrinkled?

When she reached for the ironing board it was no longer there. You see, Sarah Boone, a Black woman, invented the ironing board and Jan E. Matzelinger, a Black man, invented the shoe lasting machine. The shoe lasting machine is a machine that attaches the top of the shoe to the sole.

"Oh well," she said, "Please go and do something to your hair." Theo ran in his room to comb his hair, but the comb was not there."

You see, Walter Sammons, a Black man, invented the comb.

Theo decided to just brush his hair, but the brush was gone. Lydia O. Newman, a Black female, invented the brush.

Well, this was a sight. Theo had no shoes, wrinkled clothes, and his hair was a mess. Even his mom's hair was a mess. See Madam C. J. Walker was one of the first African-American female entrepreneurs, and she created many hair care products for Black women.

Mom told Theo, "Let's do our chores around the house, and then take a trip to the grocery store."

Theo's job was to sweep the floor. He swept and swept and swept. When he reached for the dustpan, it was not there. You see, Lloyd P. Ray, a Black man, invented the dustpan.

So he swept his pile of dirt over in the corner and left it there. He then decided to mop the floor, but the mop was gone. You see, Thomas W. Stewart, a Black man, invented the mop.

Theo yelled to his Mom, "Mom, I'm not having any luck!”

"Well son," she said, "Let me finish washing these clothes and we will prepare a list for the grocery store."

When the wash finished, she went to place the clothes in the dryer, but it was not there. You see, George T. Sampson, a Black man, invented the clothes dryer.

Mom asked Theo to get a pencil and some paper to prepare their list for the market. So Theo ran for the paper and pencil but noticed that the pencil lead was broken. Well, he was out of luck because John Love, a Black man, invented the pencil sharpener.

Mom reached for a pen, but it was not there because William Purvis, a Black man, invented the fountain pen. As a matter of fact, Lee Burridge another Black man, invented the typewriting machine, and W. A. Lovette, another Black man, the advanced printing press.

Theo and his mother decided to head to the market. Well, when Theo opened the door he noticed the grass was almost 5 feet tall. You see, the lawn mower was invented by John Burr, a Black man.

They made their way over to the car and found that it just wouldn't go. You see, Richard Spikes, a Black man, invented the automatic gearshift and Joseph Gammel invented the supercharge system for internal combustion engines. Without these, the car wouldn’t work. Gammel was also a Black man.

They noticed that the few cars that were moving were running into each other and having wrecks because there were no traffic signals. You see, Garrett A. Morgan, a Black man invented the traffic light.

Well, it was getting late, so they walked to the market, got their groceries and returned home. Just when they were about to put away the milk, eggs and butter, they noticed the refrigerator was gone. You see John Standard, a Black man, invented the refrigerator. So they just left the food on the counter.

By this time, Theo noticed he was getting mighty cold. Mom went to turn up the heat; however, Alice Parker, a Black female, invented the heating furnace so they didn't have heat. Even in the summer time they would have been out of luck because Frederick Jones, a Black man, invented the air conditioner.

It was almost time for Theo's father to arrive home. He usually took the bus. But there was no bus. Buses came from electric trolleys, which were invented by another Black man, Elbert R. Robinson. He usually took the elevator from his office on the 20th floor, but there was no elevator because Alexander Miles, a Black man, invented the elevator.

He also usually dropped off the office mail at a near by mailbox, but it was no longer there because Philip Downing, a Black man, invented the letter drop mailbox and William Barry, another Black man, invented the postmarking and canceling machine which, which is how we get stamps.

Theo and his mother sat at the kitchen table with their head in their hands. When the father arrived he asked, "Why are you sitting in the dark?" Why? Because Lewis Howard Latimer, a Black man, invented the filament within the light bulb. Without a filament a light bulb won’t turn on.

Theo quickly learned what it would be like if there were no Black people in the world. Daily life would be a lot more difficult, not to mention if he were ever sick and needed blood. Charles Drew, a Black scientist, found a way to preserve and store blood, which led to his starting the world's first blood bank.

And, what if a family member had to have heart surgery? This would not have been possible without Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, a Black doctor, who performed the first open heart surgery.

You don't have to wonder, like Theo, what the world would be like without African-Americans. It’s clear, life as we know it would be very different!

This February, celebrate the contributions of African-Americans by participating in cultural festivals, going to the African-American history museum in your neighborhood, or learning more about Black inventors.

Harassment Trumps Public Safety

Captain Vanessa Coleman has reported to ERASE a pattern of harassment that she is experiencing from her superiors in the DCFD. Today, when we are experiencing both strong thunderstorms and are on a tornado watch, she was ordered to take her truck from Engine 21 in Adams Morgan out of service and ordered to instead write a report that is relatively insignificant given the conditions, and not time-sensitive. This demonstrates a reckless disregard for the safety and lives of the people of the District whom she believes to be her highest priority to serve.

Attached is a copy of the report in question. As you can see, it does not merit the kind of priority demand that would require that her truck, with the current inclement weather and possibilities of tornado danger, be taken out of service to complete. This also demonstrates an inconsistency on the part of the Deputy Fire Chief in an earlier related matter. This same Deputy Fire Chief demanded a report earlier on; he then failed to endorse it, but passed it on to the person who has been harassing and bringing Captain Coleman up on charges, attempting to pin blame on her for the Mt. Pleasant fire.

The Report:
URGENT: Right now, in the earnest pursuit to harass and bring some sort of charge against the black female Captain of Engine 21 (Adams Morgan Firehouse) her Deputy Chief - Bloom - has ordered her to leave an active fire investigation call off of Cathedral Ave, and remain out of service at her firehouse, just so that she can rush the Deputy a special memo detailing her actions about why she didn't immediately discipline and send home her black male subordinate, a (much needed) paramedic who covers Adams Morgan, because he wasn't in full compliance with the "clean shave" grooming policy. To send him home would've caused their ambulance to be unmanned and unserviceable for the public. Therefore, the Captain chose the wiser option, using her discretion, to allow him time to shave and maintain his duty on the unit. This isn't rocket science. Yet, the Deputy seeks to punish the Captain for putting operational priorities first. Which is most important, keeping units in service for potential emergencies, or typing a memorandum?

What a shame!

Please review ERASE's blog to obtain a broad picture of the impact that a culture of racism, sexism, homophobism, nepotism and cronyism is having and how it is compromising the safety of the public. And please remember, injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Notes from The Spook Who Sat by the Door

The young Cadets who were kicked out of the Academy were taught by people who were not qualified to teach the Cadets. Therefore, they have cause for a lawsuit. They need to be compensated: namely for pain and suffering from this current administration. This administration has attempted to demean and degrade these cadets at the beginning of their careers.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tomorrow, Thursday, May 30, 2008 on WPFW there will be a show on Fire Fighters training on Gloria Minot show. @ 9:45 am

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Plot Thickens

Today's City Council Hearing was very enlightening. Coucilmember Phil Mendolson was asked about the famed and largely African-American "Hit List." A list that he would not confirm the knowledge of, however nor would he deny that it is real. The "Hit List" is a list of DC Firefighters that this administration wants to get rid of. This type of premeditated firing is a violation of workers human rights.

Please stay tuned for the Gestapo type-training academy where white cadets are separated from black cadets because they are smarter and therefore should not be in the same class. Similar to Jesse Owens who by this logic should not have been racing Arians (because they were in a different class) HEIL!!!!! _?_(What's his name)!!!

The Big question for the mayor is: Is this Washington, DC 2008 or Nazi Germany circa 1939?

Good Ole' Boys Gone Wild... Or Just Acting Normally?

The Spook Who Sat By the Door asks the following question:

"Why are recruits required to maintain a 75% average, exceeding the requirements for most college undergraduates, when firefighters seeking promotions are only required to achieve grades between 63% and 67% - less than is required for graduating from most high schools?"

Special Order 31 Series 2008 for:
Sergeant Score Avg. - 67%
Lieutenant " " - 64%
Captain " " - 63%

The test was in violation of the agreement (Article 20) between the city and Local 36. Which meant the test will be given again at an additional cost to the city.

One of the major problems with racism is that it breeds mediocrity. In the case noted above, the recruits are required to be better and smarter than those who would supervise them.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


(From the Spook who Sits by the Door as told to E.R.A.S.E.)

Battalion Fire Chief John M. Lee, who was in charge of the big Mt. Pleasant fire in March 2008 is planning to retire effective June 22nd, 2008. (This is interesting, given the fact that there has yet to be any results reported of the supposed investigation mandated of the Fire Department on that fire.) He can be heard giving orders on the audio record of the fire, found in the website in the archives section, March 2008.

It was clear that he was not using his grease pencil and chart to record the appropriate process for determining where the fire danger is and the location of where each firefighting unit is located and their proper task. Had he been using it, he would never have misdirected Captain Coleman – one DCFD’s only two Black female Captains – away from the basement, rather than allowing her to proceed in thoroughly checking out that location – where the fire damage was ultimately discovered, too late.

We urge you to check out earlier comments in above posts accusing Captain Coleman of being guilty of not assuming Battalion Chief Lee’s responsibility and let E.R.A.S.E. know if you think this is a coincidence – or could it be something more sinister?

But, here’s more…
Fire Department chainsaws – four to five – have been stolen in recent days, from Truck 12, we believe. Their loss was blamed on another black captain.

The Washington Post reported that more than $3 million has been cut from the Fire Department’s budget. That’s just $3 million less available to be ripped off by carpetbaggers feasting off of our strapped taxpayers.

E.R.A.S.E. plans to shine its next spotlight on DCFD’s training academy. We reported earlier that over $600,000 of the taxpayers dollars have been wasted on paying for a training program to be conducted by the University of Maryland. It is a program that was previously conducted internally and could easily have been contracted through the University of the District of Columbia. But those dollars have been sent instead to Chief Rubin’s favorite training spot and depository for our tax dollars, the University of Maryland. Possibly a conflict of interest? Inquiring minds want to know…

It is further rumored that 15 or more recruits were phased out of the training program because they did not pass a required test where they were given more than a normal volume of information to digest/learn in a matter of weeks where normally they should have had months. They were also coerced to sign an agreement that if they did not maintain at least a 75% grade point average they would resign. 98% of these recruits were DC residents of color. This is just the tip of the iceberg. More information about this notorious, infamous training academy is forthcoming. Please stay tuned….

Last, but not least, is the fact that Dennis Rubin’s absence from his job and his recent travels are indicative of his having taken E.R.A.S.E. up on it’s suggestion that he take steps to seek out a new job elsewhere.

We encourage all of you interested in seeing justice prevail please take it on yourselves to email Channel 4’s Ask the Mayor segment aired each Thursday morning at 6:45 am at to ask him how long he plans to ignore the rampant racism, graft, corruption and nepotism in DC’s Fire Department; or when we will see an official report on the causes of the suspicious Mt. Pleasant fire last March 2008;

Remember, they can only do what we let them; we will only get what we are organized to take.

A message from E.R.A.S.E.:

Friends, comrades:

This is a call and reminder to folks asking for your support and action - we are asking all possible to send an email ( or call and put in your inquiry to the Ask Mayor Fenty segment they do each Thursday morning requesting him to respond to the problems in the DCFD including:
rampant graft and corruption, including illegally accepting federal funds for providing services in which they are not compliant;
insiders selling off fire department equipment to other jurisdictions and entities at the expense of DC taxpayers;
the culture of racism, nepotism, sexism, homophobism and cronyism that is allowed to fester at the highest levels, and results in costly EEOC cases - approximately 50 or more a year costing taxpayers millions;
specifically, what does Mayor Fenty plan to do about these conditions?. There are many more specifics on the blog, which we urge you to please take a look at, and urge others to check is out also. You can find specifics and negative attacks and comments by the opposition. We also encourage you to make comments yourself, and consider joining E.R.A.S.E., which just requires taking action of any kind against racism and exploitation - sharing information, commenting on the blog, sending the request to channel 4, passing on and/or posting flyers, attending rallies, etc. We especially urge you to comment on and otherwise log in support for the Vanessa Coleman case, a black female Captain who is being unfairly targeted for blame in the Mt. Pleasant fire where we have clear evidence that she was not in charge - while they remain true to their pattern of racist, sexist actions.

Our demands are basic:
- establish a citizen's review board;
- convene a congressional inquiry; and
- dismiss Chief Rubin, Lieutenant Lehan (Engine 30), Schultz and the rest of the deputy chiefs who live in Maryland.

We have mounted several successful rallies that have grown with each one, the last one on Thursday, May 1st in front of the FD headquarters.

We are gearing up to send teams to visit both city council and congressional members. Stay tuned...

Thanks in advance for your support and help in cracking the jaws of racism!

Bottom Line

Bottom Line
Nothing Less