Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department: May 1st Rally

Elevate-The-Soul Online Radio (Rick Tingling-Clemmons Interview on Racism Included)

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-An Update

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb Part1

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb - Part 2

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Aluta Continua............ (The Struggle Continues)

Elevate The Soul Online Radio

Dear Emilio N.,

Is racism in D.C. Government Agencies Fact or Fiction?

We can't talk about it because it will make people feel uncomfortable, guilty, embarrassed or defensive. Yet, racism, definitions, structural racism, discrimination, bigotry and similar acts must be addressed in constructive venues and manners. Racism is not a word that most people want to discuss because they may be unaware of its existence, while others are having personal experiences or trauma and yet others are preoccupied and cannot see beyond racial constructs. This is all of our work and the dialogue cannot stop at one presidential panel or one awareness course.

Featured Guest: Rick Tingling-Clemmons

What is happening in DC in response to the allegations of racism among D.C. Fire and Police Departments, Child and Family Services, the Department of Health, DHS, and many others? Visit for additional information and join us for this week's show or call in at 347-215-7828.

Our guest, Rick Tingling-Clemmons, E.R.A.S.E. Volunteer (End Racism And Stop Exploitation), ANC Commissioner 7D05, Black Caucus Representative for the National Green Party, Business Representative for Gray Panthers, and a guest on numerous radio and television broadcasts as he addresses some of the issues he has volunteered to help the DC community and more specifically his own community with in the Benning Road/East Capitol area where some of it began with Engine 30.

End Racism And Stop Exploitation (E.R.A.S.E.)

The committee is a community based organization of tax payers, clergy and members of the middle and working class, whose understanding of the historical facts around racism and its effects on our community, has forced the group to come together to do what it can to minimize or neutralize racism's impact on our community. We understand the economic, social and political implications of ideas that will demonize non-white people to favor a white supremacist nation. E.R.A.S.E. stands for (End Racism and Stop Exploitation); in its title it embodies what is the cause for racism to exist, and that is to exploit its victim and create an atmosphere whereby people of white descent can maintain a social, political and economic upper-hand over those who are not defined as white. It is understood that these ideas of racism which are based on ignorance and antisocial deviant behavior is represented by a very small group of Europeans and therefore we call on all justice-loving people to ERASE this scourge from its institutionally based support system in order to make this country whole and just.

This is not a debate but an opportunity for dialogue. Every person you meet that has white skin is not racist, every black person is not inferior and we all deserve to be judged based the content of our character...not the color of our skin.


Emilio Williams
The Koi Group


For Real Doe said...

Thanks for adding this to your blog. If folk want to simply listen in they should dial the number 347-215-7828. If they have a comment they press 1 and will be added with an open mic. If they want to listen via computer access they can visit and even use the chat room to raise questions.

For Real Doe said...

My Brothers and Sisters: I added a link for the show directly onto the blog so as to make access for your allies. Freedom...

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