Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department: May 1st Rally

Elevate-The-Soul Online Radio (Rick Tingling-Clemmons Interview on Racism Included)

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-An Update

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb Part1

Allegations of Racism in DC Fire Department-Feb - Part 2

Saturday, April 19, 2008

(Allegations compliments of The Spooks who Sit by the Door)
  • Captain William G. Mutchler, who was previously assigned to the fire boat, which is part of the Special Operations Division, failed to give a swimming test and could not swim himself.
  • Lieutenant Walter Webb who is assigned to Rescue Squad 1 which is a part of the Special Operations Division has failed to get and maintain an EMT certification.
These are all minimum requirements for federal grants that the Fire Department receives through the Federal Government.
  • Former Sergeant Darryl Green who resigned was found not guilty in D.C. Court. Assistant Fire Chief Brian K. Lee allegedly asked the Corporation Counsel to please not drop the case.
  • There is a further allegation that Captain Vanessa Coleman (one of the DC Fire Department's highest-ranking black female firefighters) is being unfairly targeted for charges of negligence in the Mt. Pleasant Street fire, where a building owned by a slumlord with a record 7,000+ housing code violations, was due to go into court the following day. What a coincidence! .... or was it?


Anonymous said...

"There is a further allegation that Captain Vanessa Coleman (one of the DC Fire Department's highest-ranking black female firefighters) is being unfairly targeted for charges of negligence in the Mt. Pleasant Street fire, where a building owned by a slumlord with a record 7,000+ housing code violations, was due to go into court the following day. What a coincidence! .... or was it?"

How about she didnt do her job and check the basement?????????

Anonymous said...

White supremacy is based philistine culture and the highest form of ignorance. They have a lack of humanity with a cave-man like mentality and we hope that it will disappear like the other early humanoids.

Anonymous said...

She didn't do her job and check the basement. I was there. She almost cost the lives of several firefighters and a civilian. She should not be a firefighter let alone an officer. This is regardless of race and sex, as you hope to accomplish with your movement. Many of the firefighters whom were endangered by her were black as well, if you must be a racist about this.

Anonymous said...

If there is so much racism in the DC Fire Department, it makes me wonder about the safety, and health care of the citizens who are ill. Would these alleged racist let black people die on their way to the hospital for fun and game? Are the citizens of the District of Columbia getting quality emergency care service?

Anonymous said...

No one can return into their mother's womb and be rebirth again into a different race. We do not choose our parents whether they are black, latino, asian, white or any other race. And if people had a choice I think there would still be a strong perference of how the Almighty chose their race for them.
So racism is ignorance, fear, stupity and just plan old fashion dumb.

Anonymous said...

If you don't believe that Capt. Coleman didn't do her job - have a listen to the recorded audio from that fire. She is in charge of Engine 21. Do you ever hear her give a report on conditions in the basement? NO! The members working above the basment NEED to know that information for their SURVIVAL!!!!! Listen and hear "Truck 14" report a fire in the basement. By now, E-21 was on the 3rd floor, having failed to properly check for fire in the basement. This is inexcuseable. This is how firefighters and civilians DIE. Truck 14 does not have water, they are a ladder truck. This is not black or white, this is incompetence at its very root.

Anonymous said...

sounds like the chief assumed the basement had been checked. and as the saying goes, “you never assume”, cause when you do, you make an ??? out of yourself! after listening to the fire recording it was the chief who should have made sure that the basement was checked by the lady or somebody else in her place. i’m not a firefighter and I can figure that much out. if the lady captain hadn’t said anything about the basement, then why not ask for her to do so, or ask her why not. but i would'nt have reassign her unless i had a backup in her place. what kind intelligent "chief" would do that? that was negligence on the chief, not that captain. Was the captain the chief also, maybe she should have been? when things go wrong men have this tendency to always blame the "woman", just like Adam in the garden of eden. grow up and take responsibility. you make us men look bad. when i was in battle on the battleground, the real commanding chiefs took responsibility for their command decisions, casualties or destruction. When ?!%# goes bad, they did’nt pass the buck down onto their front line commanding officers. sounds like your departments got “weak chiefs” and chiefs that lack the skills and competence to “COMMAND”. this chief need to be discharged for not owning up to his faults. He’s a COWARD. yous guys got troubles, theres no UNITY. GOD help DC!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who was to blame for the three fire fighters getting burned last year?
And when the two firefighters died in the Fort Lincoln complex? Bad COMMAND decisions kill firefighters. How many more casualties before your department realize this??????????????????

Anonymous said...

Go and get a copy of the law suit filed by the white captains against
Chief Thompson. Very good reading about DCFD. Next look up the incident where a certain F/F was left in the basement to burn by a captain who ended up retiring as a DFC.

Anonymous said...

It's well known fact, and being a resident and seeing it for myself, that the Fire Department cause sabotage and deny it. I am not suprised that this incident wasn't managed properly. Who is the real shot caller for the incident? The Captain that a few have blamed or the Fire Chief that was present? In refernce to rank and structure, I believe this to be self explanatory.

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